Resurfacing Memories

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Outside Midgar with Cloud & Company just after Sephiroth's departure...Cloud POV

"Cloud! What was that?" Tifa asks me as I stare at the spot that had been occupied by a vision of a friend that I can't believe I had forgotten. I see Aerith with a similarly shocked expression on her face.

"Be quiet, Tifa. I think you already know who that was." I find myself saying to her in a flat tone as both Red XIII and Barret watch us in confusion.

"He was dressed like a SOLDIER First Class. A friend of yours, Ex-SOLDIER?" Barret asks me warily.

"He's a friend yes, and yes he was a SOLDIER First Class. But he's not with SOLDIER anymore, I don't know where he is. I'd be dead if it weren't for him." I tell Barret with a glare, not liking his attitude towards the matter.

"Zack..." Aerith says softly to herself.

"You know him, too?" Red asks her and she nods.

"He was trying to go see you. He wouldn't have come near Midgar otherwise." I say to her and her eyes widen at that information.

"Then why...?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know, or I don't remember. My mind is apparently fucked up all to Hell. I think Sephiroth sent us that vision. His main priority right now is protecting Genesis as far as I can tell, and defying his destiny. I'm not sure what to think of his motives right now. He claimed that he promised to protect Zack and that he didn't intend to break that promise a second time." I tell her.

"This doesn't seem right, like he shouldn't be so..." She begins trying to say to us.

"So sane?" I suggest to her and she nods in agreement.

"I dunno what that jackass's deal is, but I'm not so sure we should stick around here. Kalm is the nearest town, so I say we head there." Barret advises us.

"I have to agree with you there. Let's go." I say to him before we start heading towards Kalm, wanting to be far away from the city of Midgar and more importantly, Shinra.


To be continued...

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