the man in the trees

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Submitted for approval of the midnight society
I call this tale the tale of the man in the trees

There is an old saying if there's a man in the tree in Lannark County that would be around since the old I say 15,000 years ago. When it's cold and there's a full moon and man shows his face in the trees and its branches showing his outline. It said that he only comes out during the full moon during the day I don't want her the Hilow winter which will be the winter solstice no one ever saw this man before it was said that he was a Algonkin legend or other stuff that was not really there but one time I was there to see it it was a full moon on the New Year's Eve I was looking at the trees and I saw the face of a man himself.
Half of the face was outline by the moon like you have a half by the tree branches and ended up going to look like he was going to say something but didn't hear the school face in the branches of the trees and in the moonlight with something else to see I never thought to see this before in my life. When I ended up going outside to investigate the tree with a man in the tree I ended up deciding that Tree was actually there  was not a man in the tree by whispering of the wind. As a win the Lewisburg and there was a wonderful morning in fact it looks like the man in the trees was about ready to talk.
So it was just an optical illusion that I had a little voice for the days of the full moon and it was some thing I had to take pictures of I ended up taking pictures and videos for YouTube and TickTock to see if the people would believe what I saw was either a man in the trees or just the trees rustling in the wind.

The end

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