the plague and cannibalism

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Submitted for approval by the midnight society
I call this the tale Of the plague and cannibalism

One time in the Han dynasty China there be a plague that nearly wiped out half of the population causing mass chaos around the region many people have gone to shamanism instead of Taoism or Buddhism for answers. They became the yellow scarves or yellow turban 00 called sometimes. There they did unholy things to people and animals sacrificing them to their leader and to their whatever the god or goddesses may be. They were looking around during the great plague when they found fresh meat live humans barely Alive say we're starving and we're eating from other peoples flash. They ended up finding these unholy cannibals and thought they were going to sacrifice them where the dipper the great damper goes do west.
One shaman said that he was going to take the car and wolves and personally sacrifice the cannibals him selves. The cannibals were never seen again except for the blood that was dripping from add tree nearby where they disappeared from. They were either torn Limb by limb very slowly or was butchered very slowly in a way that was horrific either way whatever cause Canimals the plague cannibals to die and What is the creature that was that that love to play with a spray and took pleasure and killing at Little do they know that it was just a human being that was doing just that to them.
When they found the shaman Saucedo and his cronies took the Shahmen put them under arrest the shaman sorry and he was going to cast a spell again sound sound and put a pox on him like that that the flag has never been. It was there the shower shower shower shower and it up with a sniffle and a sneeze and then the next day ended up bleeding from his eyes and orifices and dying. He said that he mailed his Deadass very quickly it took almost a day for him to die but I wasn't sure if enough for him the shaman was laughing as he was being tortured knowing that he was in the rage for putting a curse on South now. That was the end of the three kingdoms and the yellow turbines had won the battle and the war against the three kingdoms just by killing a few cannibals and then the leader of the Han empire south sound. It said that now there is a big and how her and eastern Turkestan were they keep forward to this day 2000 years from now then To keep watch Avani on savoury people like berserker or shamans Who might cause problems that was a Huns and other people that were there that we're going to cause problems for the Han dynasty.  
When's our PR nada becoming his fathers air he ended up suffering a similar fate from hun from and who is nothing more than similar to Attila the Hun. The hun shaman took very good care of the sound sound sound but was running up killing him in the end. That is why in kuqa china there is a watchtower for any Hans or unsavory's still standing to this day with someone watching over the front line.

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