"Even if Satan is after it," he finished the sentence and moved away, a thin thread of saliva connecting his mouth to her shoulders.

Autumn hesitated for a moment before asking, "How do I avoid becoming yours?" as if she already knew the answer but still needed to hear it.

Autumn's question hung in the air, and for a moment, Zyler was quiet. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and measured.

"You cannot simply avoid becoming mine, Autumn. For some things in life, there is no escape, no matter how hard you try. Just like a candle burns down, or cigarette smoke consumes healthy lungs, some things are fated to be consumed by darkness. My fascination for you borders on obsession. And once you enter that realm, there is no turning back." He looked at her with a mix of pride and resignation, as if he had accepted his own fate long ago.

He brought his lips to her neck, sucking on the skin, leaving love bites sharper than the ones he had given to her till now. It was as if he wanted to be embedded in her skin forever, like he wanted to have that lifelong supply of her in his being. Like he wanted to take a bite out of her, eat her whole.

"But if you're truly determined to avoid my grasp, you should start by looking within yourself, Autumn. It is often the darkness within us that attracts the darkness around us." He egged her purposefully. And Autumn threw a stinky eye at him.

"I don't have darkness within me," she wanted to yell louder.

Zyler threw his head back, laughing his heart out. "We all have darkness within us, sweetheart," he licked the length of her trachea. Her heart didn't flutter at the movement. The saliva from his lips coated the length of her neck.

"It's just a matter of whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Denying it doesn't make it disappear. It only makes it more dangerous. Embracing it, on the other hand, can give us the power to control it." He knew she wasn't darkness. She was his light, a bright light at the end of his tunnel. But somehow, he wanted to tell her, convince her she had an ounce of darkness within her. Her purity was not what he wanted. Her corruption was what he needed.

His eyes darted to her neck. It was so slender and tender. He wondered what would happen if he plunged his dick into her sweet mouth to her throat while she massaged it when it was inside her throat. The thought made his cock strain painfully against his jeans. "And with me, you have the chance to embrace it fully, to explore the depths of your own darkness and see what you're truly capable of."

"Then you might need a mirror. Maybe you will find darkness there," she didn't even wait a minute to accuse him. How dare he accuse her of darkness when he murdered people without a second thought.

"Maybe you're right, my little dahlia. Maybe I do need a mirror. But I've seen enough darkness in this world to know that it can take many forms, even in the brightest of lights. Sometimes it's the shadows that define us, and it's only when we confront them that we can truly understand who we are," Autumn's brows furrowed in confusion. His responses were confusing.

"Yes, you do not have an ounce of darkness in you," he began grinding his dick on her lower belly, and a deep, rumbling growl erupted from his throat. Until he met her, he didn't know controlling himself would be harder. It was painful. It was making him angry, angry at her for tempting him too much and making him hard all the time.

"That is why you are mine," this time, she turned her attention to his face, which was still in her neck, adoring it with hickies. So if she had darkness within her, would he let her go? Leave her be?

"Is that what you keep telling yourself? Justify for taking those lives? Lucius? Nicholas?" At her accusation, he stopped kissing her neck. He grabbed her jaw, yanking her closer, anger shining in his eyes. The blue in his eyes deepened, transforming into an even darker shade, and Autumn could sense the ferocity brewing beneath them as his pupils expanded in size.

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