Lost bet

471 3 6

Yang: so f/n I've kind of got a little, tiny actually kinda big problem

You: what did you dog ear one of Blake's books or something

Yang: no you see I kind of made a bet that I was really confident about so I bet big and well I ended up losing so I need you to do something for me

You: why ask me I don't have any cash 

Yang: well it wasn't cash I bet it was kind of well you

You: what the hell does that mean Yang 

Yang: I'm sorry I thought I was gonna win

You: sorry my ass you bet your own brother wait why should I even take part in thins

Yang: f/n we both know that as your big sister I have a lot of blackmail on you so for the next two weeks you're the property of team EMNM but I'll definitely make it up to you later okay

You: I genuinely can't believe this and you seriously need to stop it with the blackmail

Yang: again sorry just um try and have fun I guess

So that's what's led me to being stood outside of team EMNMs room and I still couldn't believe this I totally need to get some dirt on Yang so she can't keep getting away with this, dreading the nightmare to come I knocked on the door and it was opened by the team leader Emerald

Emerald: hey girls our new toy is here, so did your sister tell you what you'll be doing

You: just that I'm apparently yours for two weeks whatever that means

Emerald face turned into a sadistic smirk and then she pulled me into her teams room where the rest of them were waiting Melanie, Miltia and Neo all looked at me like predators looking at a defenceless piece of prey

Emerald: for the next two weeks you're our bitch we can do anything we want to you and you have to do everything that we tell you

Melanie: first he needs like a total outfit change

Miltia: yeah so strip bitch boy

Emerald: better hurry or else f/n

Not wanting to make this anymore of a pain I did what I was told and took off my clothes until I was only stood in my boxers but all four of the girls gave me a look that let me know I had to take them off as well, so I did and was careful to hide my junk with my hands but Neo still took a photo of me

Emerald: oh don't look so worried it's just the first of a lot of pictures and videos, but that's a special one since it's the official before picture and we can't wait to take the after now let's get you dressed in something more appropriate 

I watched as the twins went to the wardrobe and started moving clothes around and then I heard them laugh before pulling out what they wanted me to wear, Melanie was holding a set of black lingerie that consisted of stockings, a garter belt, a pair of crotch less panties, and nippleless bra, while Miltia was holding a slutty maid outfit and a pair of black high heels, I looked at the girls thinking they couldn't be serious but from their smiles they definitely were

Emerald: it's cute right, we bought a few outfits like that just for you and now Melanie and Miltia are going to help you get dressed while Neo records your transformation into our bitch

The twins dressed me like I was some sort of doll, first in the lingerie and heels after being put in it the Emerald and the twins forced me to pose as Neo took pictures with one scroll and record with the other, and then the twins dressed me in the slutty maid outfit which led to more posing I felt my face go red from embarrassment

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