Futa malachite twins x reader

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Yang: alright get up little bro we're going out

You: what where

Yang: I'm taking you to a club to have some fun 

You: I'll pass Yang

Yang: nope you've been all mopey since you got dumped and I'm sick of it so you're coming with me like it or not

There was no use trying to talk to Yang when she decided she wanted to do something which is a real pain in the ass but since there was no point in arguing with her I just got dressed in my usual clothes which she then told me to change to something cooler so it's easier for her to be my wingman, so I just let her choose what she wanted me to wear because it was just easier that way but I really didn't like Yang saying that she's going to be my wingman

Yang: there that's much better hey maybe you should let me pick your clothes out everyday you'd get way more attention from the ladies

You: seriously Yang I know it's not going to work but I seriously don't want to go can't I just stay in my dorm and read comics like I was before

Yang: no end of discussion now come on we're leaving 

Yang dragged me out of the room and down the hallway we passed Ruby and she gave me the usual better you then me look that we have both used many time because of Yang wanting to help us out, maybe if I'm lucky the club will be closed for some reason then we can just come back without having to deal with Yang trying to set me up especially since the last time she tried that it was super embarrassing 

Twins pov

We were doing our job at the club being juniors body guards slash security for the club then we saw that annoying blonde girl who'd come in and wreaked the place before but this time she wasn't alone she walked in with a cute guy 

Melanie: look at that Miltia it looks like blondie brought a boy toy with her

Miltia: I'm surprised anyone would date a hot head like her

Melanie: same say are you thinking what I'm thinking 

Miltia: if it's stealing her boy toy away while she isn't looking then totally

Melanie: I was just thinking about embarrassing her in front of him but I love your idea way more

Miltia: great now we just have to wait until she's not with him

You pov

We'd finally made it the club and Yang dragged me over to the bar so she could get a drink and get a good look at all the people in the club she was going to try and set me up with, then once she finished her strawberry sunrise she dragged me out onto the dance floor and started to as she said work her magic which led to me getting rejected multiple times but Yang did get a few numbers herself so at least one of us was having fun

You: Yang this really isn't working I think I'm just gonna go back to beacon

Yang: what come on we'll find someone any minute now so don't give up now I'm going to go to the ladies room so wait right here and if by the end of the night we can't find any here for you I do have an ace up my sleeve she's annoying but she's cute

Yang walked off leaving me alone I thought about getting a cab back to beacon but realised Yang would probably be pissed at me so I just stood around then two beautiful girls who looked like they were twins walked up to me

Miltia: hi I'm Miltia and this is my sister Melanie want to come have some fun with us

You: I uh I 

Melanie: aw what's the matter you nervous or just shy well you don't have to say a thing just nod that pretty little head if you want to have a night you'll never forget

I nodded my head then the two girls took my hands and led my to a stair case and took me up stairs to away from everyone else in the club I was pretty sure that this was not where just anyone could be in then they took me into a room with two large beds one white and one red

Melanie: so should we do this in my bed or yours Miltia

Miltia: it was my idea so let's use mine

Before I cloud say anything the two girls pushed me done onto the red bed and the one in white started to make out with me while the one in red was taking off my clothes and once I was completely naked 

Melanie: shame that your girlfriend is gonna miss out on all the fun but we'll make sure she know we are having fun

You: um I don't have a girlfriend

Miltia: what about the big titted blonde you've been with all night

You: that's my sister 

Melanie: well that works too even better actually now I'm not big on foreplay so let's get to the main course

Miltia: agreed dibs on using that mouth first

I genuinely have no clue what's going on or why they brought up Yang but I watched as Melanie and Miltia reached under their dresses and took off their panties then once they stood up straight I could see their cocks coming out of the bottom of their dresses I was so surprised that they were futas that my jaw actually dropped open

Melanie: let me guess you've never been with a futa before

Miltia: well lucky you for getting two beautiful and very well hung futas to pop your cherry

Melanie: now be a good little cum dump and get on all fours

For some reason I felt compelled to do what I was told so I got on my hands and knees as the twins got onto the bed Melanie behind me squeezing my ass and Miltia with the tip of her cock resting on my lips, then I felt Melanie spread my ass and press her cock against my asshole and in unison without saying a word the twins thrusted shoving their cocks inside of my the sensation of Melanies colossal cock penetrating me made me moan as I started to suck on Miltias cock which she seemed to enjoy

Miltia: how's his ass Mel is it as nice and tight as his throat 

Melanie: totally way better then those crappy flesh lights we ended up breaking say how about we make him into our weekend girlfriend 

Miltia: I like it say let's talk him shopping tomorrow for some cute outfits

I wanted to protest but I couldn't say a word while Miltias cock was in my mouth and even if it wasn't the ecstasy washing over my body from Melanies hard thrusts would only make it so I could let out moans instead of anything coherent, the twins kept fucking me none stop for what felt like an hour before they finally came I could feel my ass being filled with Melanies warm cum until it started to leak out of me and while my ass was getting cream pied it felt like I was drowning in Miltias cum there was just so much that I had to swallow and as I kept drinking it down I could feel myself getting light headed since I couldn't even breath then everything went black

Twins pov

Miltia: looks like our weekend girlfriend is going to need some more practice 

Melanie: well after we get them some new outfits tomorrow we can work on that

Miltia: hey look blondie has been texting him 

Melanie: well let's send her a picture to show just how much fun her brother is having with us

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