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Jordy enters Bryan's office to deliver a few files and has a quick conversation. As he walks in, he notices Naomi standing in front of the Silv group's chairman, Bryan's father."It tastes like crap." "How dare you serve this to me," says the Silv group's chairman, hurling hot tea at Naomi."I'm sorry about that; I'll arrange for new ones," Naomi says."There's no need to ruin my mood any longer." If you keep doing this, you'll end up on the streets." The chairman stands up and walks away."Are you okay, Naomi? The tea may have been hot." "Please accept these wet tissues." Jordy expresses his concern."Thanks. You've come to meet Bryan, correct? He's running late today. Please wait here until I return for the meeting." Naomi offers Jordy a seat.Jordy was taken aback when he saw Naomi's reactions as if nothing had happened.One question lingered in his mind: "Why is Naomi still working for them?"" A rabbit in orange! Bryan panted as he said, "Orange rabbit.""I'm sorry, I must have gone a little too far." Naomi ended their bondage game by extinguishing the bright red candles and the wax that had fallen on Bryan's chest."Are you alright, Naomi?" Bryan inquires." I'll take a short break. "Don't wait for me," Naomi says as she puts on her coat and walks away."Is this Cayci speaking?" At eleven past ten, Alex answers the phone."Yes. "How can I assist you?" Cayci inquires." It has nothing to do with business." Your boyfriend is inebriated, and I want you to take him home." Alex says something."Which boyfriend?" If you continue to annoy me, I will hang up." Cayci responds angrily." If I'm not mistaken, you're Cayci. I'm not sure what your relationship is, but Zin is constantly chanting your name. If you know what I mean, I'd appreciate it if you could assist me, or else I'll ditch him right here and take my friend home." Alex says something."All right, I'll be on my way," Cayci responds."Should I send you the address?" Alex inquires."It's the SOS bar, right?" Cayci inquires."Right now, I will be waiting inside," Alex speaks and then hangs up the phone.Ten minutes later, Cayci shows up."Thanks for calling." Cayci approaches Alex."Why do you deny being his girlfriend?" Alex inquires."Because I'm not." Don't get the wrong impression about our relationship because he has a fiancée." Cayci explains."If I had called his actual lover, they would have broken up," Alex says something."That could be correct. Does that look like your girlfriend?" Cayci inquires."No, we are just business partners." That question perplexes Alex."I would have taken her if she wasn't holding your arm so tightly," Cayci inquires about his relationship."No, she isn't normally like this. She bosses everyone around her, including me. And don't worry, I'm not inebriated. I'm not going to stoop so low. "Here's her business card; you can confirm that tomorrow," Alex blushes."I do want to hold onto that." Cayci."I paid the bill." I can let you go." Alex makes an offer."I bought my car, so everything is fine." "I'll check in on you tomorrow," Cayci and Zin say."Cayci I'm not a bad person. You were my first, believe me." Zin speaks up."It didn't appear to be. Aside from that, I don't think you should be concerned about what I think." Cayci states."I know, but it's bothering me. So I figured I'd get it off my chest," Zin says."All right, I'll be your first. Cayci says sarcastically, "I'm sorry for ruining your first date with your fiancee.""You're dead on. You should be sorry for constantly reminding me of you. The way we kissed stays with me. How can your body be so flawless? When I held you in my arms, it felt as if you were made for me. You appear to be quite heavy, but when I held you against the window in that cool breeze, you were as light as a feather."fine, I understand that I appear to be overweight. You can put an end to it. We're nearly there." Cayci states."I couldn't hear the loud song, and I couldn't see the lovely view outside the window." I could only see you and your heartbeat. I couldn't keep my cool around you; that's never happened before, not even with my dream girl.I won't deny that she made me feel something I had fantasized about for years."So soon?" Zin inquires, his face sad." We don't want to make the same mistake again by allowing our emotions to run wild. Right?" Cayci moves closer to Zin as she speaks and unlocks the door.Zin looks at her, perplexed."Ah! I know you're getting married and everything but stay under the radar. Thank you for your assistance, Cayci. I was trapped in a meeting." The manager of Zin speaks up."No worries. Don't forget to bring your tickets.Cayci approaches the manager."I won't," he says, taking Zin with him." Why did he feel the need to say that? I was trying to move on." Cayci converses with herself."Zin Perhaps you should end your engagement. I'm here to tell you that love and marriage are a sham. "Just live alone like me," Naomi tells Alex, believing she is still with Zin."Of course. I'll happily give him your message the next time I see him. "If Bryan isn't picking up, who should I call?" Alex inquires of Naomi."Me. I can support myself. Call me a cab, I'll be right there, buddy." Naomi says something."I don't believe you're sober yet," Alex states."Who exactly are you?" Naomi inquires."Ugh. Alex, your business associate." Alex responds."Oh, Mr. "I'm taller than you," Naomi responds."What?" Alex, who had a bad memory of that night."Say, if you and I were to spend the night together, would you be able to satisfy me?" Naomi inquires."It would be my pleasure," Alex responds.They did spend the night together in the end. Naomi was satisfied with Alex by cooking food, taking a warm bath, and playing video games.As the days pass, Cacyi becomes increasingly concerned about Zin's marriage. Zin wishes to dismiss them as a sweet dream that will never come true. and does want to express his feelings so that he won't betray his true love, who once held the greatest significance for him.And then the day arrived.Zin and Mia get married on a beautiful beach where they first met.Although on the outside they appeared to be happy, they were struggling to hold onto their phony affections because they knew they weren't really in love.They immediately depart for a trip to Hawaii in the hopes of forming a new relationship.And Cacti returns to her life, taking on more work to forget about everything.Mia and Zin return from a three-month vacation. They appeared happier and closer than before.Mia invites Cayci to dinner at their house.Mia seemed excited about her trip and shared everything, while Zin and Cayci grew restless sitting next to each other.Ring, ring, ring"My manager needs to meet with me right away, so you guys keep going," Zin says as he walks away from the dinner.A rumour about Cayci and Zin spreads. Photographs of them were taken on various occasions."How come there are photos of Zin and you, Cayci?" I'm aware that nothing is happening. "I trust him, but..." Mia inquires."We were discussing you. We always talk about you when we meet. Zin adores you and wishes to be a part of your life. He made that decision on his own." Cayci states."That's correct. We both made our decisions. I apologize for my scepticism. I suppose fame has a cost. I should be more helpful." Mia says as she embraces her.Zin enters and overhears their conversation."I'm leaving now, take care." When Cayci notices him, she walks away. As they go by."Why did you lie?" Zin asks Cayci quietly."Don't ruin things for which you've waited your whole life," Cayci responds.Zin couldn't move his lips to speak the truth.They are still living lies.

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