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♡Cussing♡                /               ***

-Y/n's POV-

"It's alright Bendy, I can take care of this situation myself. You just continue asking Felix more about, whatever you guys we're talking about." I told him. "But-"

"Oh wow!Bendy, look at this!" Felix shouted to Bendy. "Your cat's calling for you Bend's." I snickered and jumped up to pull mugman's handle down to my right height."Ow!" Mugman whined, "Plus, I've got this Mug on the same tea as me. You don't gotta worry!" Bendy looked into my eye's and slowly smiled. He then proceeded to kiss my forehead gently. It was a fast peck. Nothing more. Bendy hurried over to Felix and questioned what he saw.

"Wow." Mugman commented. I rolled my eyes and let go of his handle roughly, pushing him back a little. "So, What do you want?"

"Hmm..Oh yeah!Soo-" Mugman said, putting his fingers together, like a little toddler. "Soooo?" I questioned him. "Soooo um.."

~Mugman's thought~
"It's them or us Mug's.."

-Third person perspective-

Mugman gulped. "Are you trying to waste my time or something?" Y/n questioned. She was ready to walk away, until the Mug finally spoke. "What are you thoughts on Cuphead!" Y/n stopped in place, but didn't turn around. Their tail slowly going into a knot, and her fist Clenching hard; like if they were to grip onto their own life.

"What about him..?" She questioned him, her back still facing him. "Well uh-" The Mug Suttered, as he already thought she would've answered with something plain and easy going, for example like "He's okay." or "He's cool!"

Mugman reached to touch Y/n's shoulder, asking the question, "Are you comfortable around him?"

-Felix's POV-

The rock's seem to be turning the right shade of white, their should be another tunnel near by! I turned around to tell Bendy but.
"Hey Blue handle, what makes you so happy to look at Y/n? Theirs better things to look at. So shoo!"
Ah. I see..
The Over protective type. Sounds like Bendy alright. I smiled. Wait..sounds like Bendy?! Have I spended so much time with him already that I know what he's capable of? Or is his personality not to difficult to understand that I've learned to read him like a book..

"It's alright Bendy, I can take care of this situation myself. You just continue asking Felix more about, whatever you guys we're talking about." Seems like Y/n needs some help getting rid of Bendy for a few. This could be my debt for her finding one of the ink machine pieces so fast. "But-" I shouted out to Bendy, "Oh wow! Bendy, look at this!" I smiled. I guess I can just tell him we're near by a tunnel when he comes to talk to me. I sighed.
These family relationships are making me miss Shelia even more.

-Y/n's POV-

"Are you comfortable around him?" I pushed Mugman's hand away, before he could touch me. "Will we're not exactly close but. A little yes." I fake coughed, clenching my let hand and putting it under my mouth. I slowly turned to look at the Mug.
"Does he..feel comfortable around me..?"

Mugman looked surprised by my response but replied with, "Oh yeah definitely! But didn't hear that from me okay-?" I smiled. "I'll keep it in between us, but. Does he really? On the scale of one to ten! What else does he say about me?!" I demanded answer's.

"One, yes. Two, maybe an 8? Three, Alot, four.."

"Four?" I asked. "I never-" Mugman cut me off, "Fourrr, why do you wanna know?" I crossed my arm's. "I'll tell you what Carla thinks of you if you stop asking question's and tell me already. "DEAL!" Mugman yelled, with no hesitation. Bendy and Felix gave us a quiet hand signal, and Mugman quickly covered his mouth saying "sorry!". I just laughed at him. I never realized I'd ever meet someone so old yet, so childish for their age. Wait nevermind, then their's Bendy.

I smiled to myself.

[Heya! Sweetie-Chan is back after months, I know! It's been awhile..Im going to try my best uploading these chapters, since I realized that they aren't as long as I thought they were before. I hope your day is going good and that you enjoyed this short chapter, the romance is finally starting!^^-Sweetie-Chan Out!♡]

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