A little Buddy fun time! *Little short bonus chapter*

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*Cussing*             /          *               *

Y/n's Pov:

"Boris?!What is happening in here!" I shouted putting my hands on my hips.
"We're having a party!" The mug yelled putting his hands up in the air playfully.
"It was his idea,I don't even know why i agreed-" Boris said standing up from the sofa he was once sitting on.
He walked towards me.
"I understand that you have to tell Bendy,All'l start cleaning up.." "Hold up Boris" I said "Who said Bendy had to know?" Boris looked at me for a moment and then a smile curled up on his face "So Now..-" I then grabbed a red pillow that was on the groun "-Lets get this fucking party started!" I yelped throwing the pillow at Boris,The Mug smiled and followed along of what i was doing.

*An hour later*

We pretty much continued this until we all fell to the ground knocked out.
And the Mug won the epic pillow fight we had.What a Bummer.If only i didn't fall for his trick and spare him,I couldn't of won!

I was laying on the ground with a pillow in my hand staring at the selling."Hey Boris.." I turned to face him which he was also on the ground next to me with a pillow on his face, "Yeah?.." He replied turning to face me,Which made the pillow fall off his face,Onto the ground "I think we should clean up now" I said.
Boris sat up.
"Your right,Wait- Where's Mugman-?" Boris questioned sitting up "I actually don't know- Maybe he left early when we passed out-?" "Maybe.." Boris stood up "Now lets hurry before Bendy finds out-" "Before Bendy finds out what?" We both turned pale white and turned to look at the frount door.It was Bendy,With his arms crossed,Staring at both of us."You two care to explain?" He said staring at both of us like a bald eagle hunting down its prey,Me and Boris looked at each other probably thinking the same thing to each other.
"Whos gonna tell him?"

"So-?" Bendy questioned waiting for a truthful response,And probably a reasonable one."We uh-" Boris was cut off by me "We we're carried away from partying!We totally forgot to clean up again like last time-!Again." I insured him.What an awful lie,Atleast i didn't stutter like normal when im nervous.

"Sure- You both are horrible with lying,You know that right?" Bendy said,Me and Boris looked at him."We know-" I chuckled and fell on the bed "Now im going to sleep,All'l clean up tommarow.." I said drifting off to my sleep.

Bendy's Pov:

"-All'l clean up tommarow.." Y/n said drifting off to sleep,I sighed "As long as you clean up.
I looked up at Boris who also started to lay comfortably on the bed ready to have a peaceful nap in a few secounds."These kids.." I thought " But yet,I still love them.." I threw a blanket on them and sat on the bed next to them.Suddenly i felt Y/n's hand touch my leg "Thanks.." She said "..and goodnight..,Dork.." I smiled and patted her head gently.
"Goodnight to you to Y/n.." I closed my eyes smiling and fell asleep."Wonder what troubles tommarow will bring.."

625 words!

Authors note!
Sorry for not posting in the longest time!I swear it feels like year's since i posted,But here i am!I wanted to say im going to need some more new idea's for this book.Im of course going to continue this until im done with it but im running out of ideas to make this juicy!SO PLEASE!I need ideas,But apart from that,Bye!🖤

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