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The hustle and bustle of a busy street is evident as a tall and skinny figure rushes past the crowd, balancing an array of pastry boxes. Her phone rings, and somewhat miraculously, is retrieved from a coat pocket and answered.

"Where are you?! My sister's party starts soon!" an anxious voice, Normani, echoes from the phone. The figure responds, breathless, "Nearly there, practically SPRINTING!"

"Why aren't you driving?!" Normani queries. The figure chuckles nervously as they weave through the crowd, "Car broke down, again..."

"Again!? Ever heard of buses?!" Normani retorts. The figure responds, "Yeah, no shit! I'm racing to catch the next one, I missed the-" The sentence is cut short as a bus is spotted pulling away from the stop.

"Great.." the figure mutters. "Esther, the guests are hungry!" Normani announces. "I'm sorry, I'll be there in 15" the figure, now identified as Esther, replies, sounding resigned.

"You better," Normani warns before ending the call. Esther pockets the phone and redirects her path toward the bus stop.

Esther sighs, completely out of breath. People of the streets of New York passed the young 19 year old and looked at her confused, while she holds the many stacked boxes of pastry in her arms.

Esther looks to the side and notices an old woman staring at her.
"I'm going to my best friend's sister's birthday party and these are her foods and stuff." Esther talks. The old looked away.

"Wow. Rude" Esther murmurs annoyed. But what annoyed her more was the many guys that stared at her. Now she was kind of used to attention, being the beautiful girl she is.

With her darkish but glowy skin, her long skinny legs and skinny body overall, white pearly teeth covered with her plump lips, and her big round eyes.

But it annoyed her that the men had to be so disgusting about it.

Just then, a guy whistles at her. She sighs. "Damn, do these men have to be this gross?" Esther asks, still talking to the old lady who really seems to not be interested.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were rude." Esther continued her talking, looking away.

Meanwhile, a man named Henry Vitale is regaled by his Aunt Kate's tales, much to the chagrin of his sister, Spencer. Spencer expresses her discomfort with the strange neighborhood they're in, a sentiment Henry silently agrees with. He'd much rather be on his yacht with his friends than walking around some random poor part of New York.

"And that's how I met Pearl. Ugh, I just wish she was still alive-"

"Henry. Can you tell Aunt Kate that her stories are boring?" Spencer complains, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I believe you just did. What needs to be said, however, is that Aunt Kate should hurry up so that we can get back home." Henry complains.

Aunt Kate stops walking and looks at the two, her mouth dropping open.
"I cannot believe you two. You're so incredibly rude! This is exactly why I wanted you two to come with me and take a walk here. Your parents have turned you into clichés!" Aunt Kate yelled at the two.

"Ugh. Whatever. Do you two think there'll be a bathroom in that store?" Spencer asks. Henry shrugs. "You'll have to find out for yourself, not everything can be done for you" Henry answers, snappy.

Spencer gives him a dirty look. "Ew. Who shat in your Spiderman underpants this morning?"

"Spencer, don't talk to your brother like that" Aunt Kate says. Spencer presses her expensive Dior bag against Aunt Kate's chest. "Keep it. It might get stolen if I enter the store with it" Spencer spoke before finally heading into the store.

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