"Careful, I spent a lot on that you know?" Amber rolled her eyes.

"I'm just going to get more of your geek stuff," Andy hated it when his sister would call his stuff geek stuff.

They were just posters of Star Wars and his light saber lamp.

He sat on his bed and sighed, leaned back and laid their like a starfish, he was finally not going to be in a house with children complaining about which Pokemon is the best.

He heard water.

Someone just flushed the toilet.

He stood up in a hurry, not wanting his dorm mate to catch him being weird or anything.

The bathroom door opened and that's when Andy had completely froze, he was staring at the person he hated the most.

The one of the biggest reason he wanted to leave town and travel across the globe.

Raphael Torrance.

His bully and his worst nightmare.

Raphael paused as well shocked of the sight of Andy, small and smart Andy right infront of him. He wasn't expecting that, not in a million years.

His lips curled to a smirk, "well, well, well. If it isn't Andrew Olson himself, I thought you'd be in India right now, what are you doing here?"

Andy wanted to punch the smirk off his face, but he knew he didn't have the capability to do so.

"I'm here to study," he shot back at him.

Raphael looked pleased, "oh? I thought you wanted to see me or something."

Andy snorted. "Don't get ahead of yourself, you were the one who was the dickhead to me."

Raphael rolled his eyes crossing his arms on his chest, "oh please, that was ages ago ease up."

"Did I hear you say dickhead?" Both boys turned to the door where Amber stood holding up more boxes, they didn't hear her.

But she heard them.

She walked feeling a tension between both boys, "Andy? You okay?" She noticed her brother's change in mood.

"Yeah, I'm great."

She could read the room easily. Andy was in the presence of a person he probably wanted to leave behind, and that made her mad.

Amber put the boxes down and turned to Raphael, "you must be the dickhead he was talking about?"

Raphael said nothing, "Amber please don't do anything."

She threw her hands up to mock a surrender before punching Raphael in the face, he fell on the ground clutching on to his nose.

"Amber!" Andy scolded.

He rushed to Raphael's aid even though it was probably the best thing he had ever seen.

"I thought I saw a bug," she muttered, "oops."

Raphael's nose was bleeding, Andy pulled down his sweater sleeve ripping it in the process and covering up Raphael's nose.

Amber couldn't believe it, even after all this person has done Andy was still nice to him.

After the commotion, Andy escorted his sister downstairs, he was going to miss her.

"Thanks," he said feeling the cold air rush by him, he hated the cold.

"For what? Helping you move in or punching the dickhead?" She asked.

Andy chuckled, "well, both."

They hugged sharing a warm embrace before she backed off and entered the car, he waved at his mother goodbye.

"We love you Andy," she said as she began to drive slowly.

"Yeah me too," he watched them leave.

He was really going to miss them.

He walked to his dorm room and slumped on his bed, he felt giddy inside but that soon changed when Raphael walked in.

He didn't say anything, he began to strip out of his clothes and Andy just turned away to give him some privacy.

An image of Raphael seeped in his head, he was on the floor clutching on his nose again.

Andy snorted.

"Priceless," he said underneath his breathe.

"Really? It hurt," Raphael had heard him.

But Andy couldn't contain his laughter, he laughed until tears streamed down his cheek.

Raphael sighed and turned his back to him, "this isn't funny."


Hey you! Thanks you for reading the beginning of 'Sleepwalker' I actually just made this story up in the shower so I don't know what is even going on myself ;))

But whatever, hope you liked it!!


A/n 6th May 2024:

Ok listen! The Indian comment wasn't supposed to mean something about race or anything! It's just when I and my sister we're looking for uni, we found out some good nursing uni stuff are mostly located in India and my father is very inlove with the country! LIKE OBSESSED.

So he suggested me to do my uni in India, I thought it would be a fun twist that Raphael knew Andy's career stuff. And he probably googled "nursing universities top best countries"

I know a lot of people want to like understand the twosomes back story before the bullying and everything! I know! It will be added to a bonus chapter just so people won't be confused. Ok? Ok :)

Oh and. Andy is not Indian and neither is Raphael. They are both just stupid kids doing stupid kids things you know?

Ok thank you :)

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