Vera just sadly smiles and messes with a ring on her finger. I feel my heart break a little at the sight, and quickly move to sit on her lap, straddling the woman in an attempt to make her feel better. She airily chuckles. I rest my head on her chest and she immediately embraces my body, arms around my waist and her chin on my head.

Even though we've been intimate more times than I can count, I still feel blood rush to my cheeks, painting them a rosy pink color. The mere physical contact is enough to drive me nuts.

We sit like that for awhile, talking about random meaningless things, until there's a few minutes before first period. I am forced to get up and leave the room, because it would look strange if I was the first person in class, alone with her.


It's 6 pm later that evening, and we're having pancakes for dinner, as per the girls request. Vera slaves away at the stovetop, while I play with the girls in the living room.

"So how's life Elody?" I ask the little girl as she dresses one of her Barbie's in a very bold outfit.

"This boy in my class is being so annoying," she says rolling her eyes. "He keeps pulling on my hair at recess."

"Have you told your teacher?" I ask the troubled child.

"She just told me that he probably likes me, and that's why he's bothering me." I roll my eyes. What a stupid excuse.

"Well, if she's not gonna help, then you gotta get him to back off. Tell him that he's never gonna get a girlfriend if he keeps harassing girls instead of talking to them. And tell him that you have a scary neighbor who will happily kick his tiny ass." My profanity makes the girl giggle, as she nods in understanding.

"How about you Haven? How are things?" I shift my attention to the younger girl. She stares at the children's puzzle she's putting together, before softly answering.

"I miss daddy."

My smile falls at the sight of the sad child. She's so young to be dealing with this.

"You'll see him again soon love" I say quietly, to which she smiles sadly. My heart breaks a little. It's not their fault that their dad is an asshole. They deserve a loving father who gives them everything they want.  Not a drunk asshole who could care less about their well being.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Haven suddenly hugs me tightly. She presses her face against my hoodie and wraps her tiny arms around me. My chest warms and I can't help but hug her back. Then Elody hugs me from behind and whispers,

"You're my favorite, Aria."


The kids have gone to bed after I promised to play with them tomorrow, and Vera and I are bundled up in her room, watching some random show on Netflix. Her heavy comforter covers our exposed bodies, since neither of us believes in wearing pants to bed. My head rests on her chest, steadily rising and falling with her breathing. I half pay attention to the show, and half float off in a daze as she plays with my hair, my ultimate weakness.

"Hey do you wanna go somewhere for spring break? I need a vacation from this town, and my mom could watch the girls, they probably would have more fun having a sleepover there anyway." Vera's suggestion hangs in the air for a second as I snap back to reality. Very out of the blue..

"Yeah I'd really like that. Are you sure you want to bring me?" I ask her, sitting up a little to look at her. Her blue eyes lovingly gloss over my face.

"Of course I want to bring you Aria."

"What about the kids? Won't you miss them?"

"Of course I will. I always do. But there's facetime, and it's only for a few days."

"Well where are you planning on taking me?" I ask, laying my head back down on her chest and resting my arm across her waist.

"I was thinking of looking into AirBnBs in Wisconsin. It's not too far, but far enough that we could go out for dinner without acting like awkward cousins that hardly know each other, and I think I could find us a really cute cabin near the water or something."

"You've put a lot of thought into this" I tell her.

"I have a lot of free time throughout the day."

"You use your free time to think about me?" I ask, blushing even though she can't see my face.


"Horny asshole" I tease, poking her waist.

"Oh please! You're one to talk" she reasons.

"But I'm not the one-"

"Moving on! So you would be interested?" She says, tapping my back, silently requesting eye contact.

I shift slightly and look at her lovingly.

"Of course. It sounds perfect," I say. Vera smiles in return and I can't help but place a chaste kiss on her grinning lips. She gently kisses me back, before we both drift off to sleep, wrapped up in each other.

I could spend my entire life like this, with her, and be really happy.

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