epilogue | one year later

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It had been a year to the day since Florence Eisley died tragically in a car accident. A year since Ethan's life got upended when he discovered he was chosen by her to be her post-mortem confidant. And a year during which Ethan's life had changed so much in that time.

He quit his remote job, realizing it wasn't what he was truly passionate about. He was good at it, sure, but it wasn't the reason he wanted to keep waking up in the morning day after day.

Fortunately, he had enough savings to bank on for a while until he figured out his next move. It didn't take long until he found another job, one with a short commute that was only a short walk away. Every morning, he still had time to stop by his now favorite donut shop for breakfast.

Ethan also decided to stop having his groceries delivered and instead, he relished in the time he got to spend outside the house, exploring new options and even picking up a few new recipes to cook. Leaving the house more often has also exposed him to new surroundings and people.

His world felt so much wider than it did a year ago and he was even looking forward to going abroad for a vacation in a few weeks. It was something the past him would never dream of doing.

When he thought of his life before, he was just surviving but now, he was actually living.

Or at least that's what his therapist said. After talking to Kailani a few times, he decided the best thing he could to do honor Florence's memory was to get actual help, not "self-help" his way to repressing feelings and numbing his pain. Ignoring his feelings was also running away.

He thought his life was okay before but he didn't realize how much better it could be.

And how utterly alone he felt in his secluded lifestyle.

Kailani thought it would be a good idea for them to visit her grave together and Ethan asked for a moment alone to talk. She walked back to the car, leaving Ethan standing by the grave.

"I know it's silly talking to you like this but I hope that wherever you are, you can listen to me," he said. "I've had plenty of time to reflect on everything that's happened and I realize I was wrong. It's hard for me to admit that because I really thought I was doing the right thing that night.

"Instead of trying to decide what kind of help you needed, I should've just listened. And I should've asked the right kinds of questions. I know you were in pain but I didn't do enough.

"And my therapist — yes, I go to therapy now — told me it's not my fault that you're dead but I still feel somewhat responsible. It's going to take me a while to process through these feelings.

"And that's okay because I have my whole life to look forward to.

"I don't have to be afraid of the future anymore and I miss you. I really do.

"I wish you were still here with us, Florence." He paused, feeling tears start to spill out of his eyes again. He let himself be vulnerable and kneeled down, crying over her grave.

"Thank you for existing," he said after a moment. "I'll never forget you."

He glanced at her grave one last time, and it almost felt like Florence was right there with him. He wiped away his tears, collecting himself for a moment, and took a deep breath. It was still hard to remember but it got easier over time. The grief no longer threatened to suffocate him.

His emotions no longer felt as intense and thanks to therapy, his toolbox of how to handle his emotions in a healthy way were only growing every time. He was thankful to have someone who could listen to him and a place where he felt safe enough to feel vulnerable and feel his feelings.

Once he felt ready, he walked back towards the car where Kailani was waiting for him. She wore all black, even though the funeral was months ago, because she claimed it was a vibe.

"Ready to go?" she asked. She looked down at the ground, avoiding his eyes. He appreciated the gesture as he felt too vulnerable for eye contact right now. He was sure his eyes were still wet.

"Yeah, I think I've said what I needed to say," he answered. "Whatever happens next is up to me. I like to think that wherever Florence is, if she could see us now, she'd be smiling."

"I hope so," Kailani said. "I hope she's found peace."

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