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YOU WERE BORN HOMESICK IN YOUR OWN BODY. From the moment you were reborn to the moment you became self-aware, you felt that your mind was too big for your body. There was always a void carved out in your soul, it didn't leave when you were reincarnated. You spent most of your past life miserable and ended it at the beautiful age of thirteen. How ironic, getting a second chance at life even though you threw your last one away without barely living it.

It happened so suddenly, one second you were up in the clouds body full of hallucinogens, and the next time you woke up you were being cradled by your new mother.

'Not again.' You said to yourself, you had died only for you to wake up again. Being an infant meant you couldn't speak or express yourself. It was nice having no responsibilities or anything to do, being a baby meant you got to rest all day- something your old self could never do.

The first thought you had upon seeing the woman who gave birth to you was that she was breathtakingly gorgeous. Her eyes were full of life and set off sparks in your heart. It was an unimaginable feeling, so warm and kind, the absolute opposite of what life had been like for you. Maybe life wasn't so bad after all.

"Aww, she's like a mini-me!" Your mother, Sahara gushed, twirling around the room with you in her arms.

Your father, Haruto, chuckled lightly before taking hold of you. "You still haven't named the child, Hara."

"She'll choose her name, if she's my daughter she'll be creative and smart with it!" The blonde woman professed, she brought a large sheet of paper with the alphabet on them and placed it onto the floor. She then grabbed your hand and put some non-toxic paint so that you would be able to choose the letters.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Haruto shuddered, placing you onto the sheet.

"Don't worry, if she picks something completely random then I'll keep what makes sense."

You grinned and began to crawl all over the sheet, it wouldn't hurt to write try writing out your old name. Your name wasn't common or rare, but it was the one thing you felt a connection to in your life. On the other hand, your last name meant absolutely nothing to you, if anything you wished you'd forget it and you did. The paint smeared across each letter, your tiny hands leaving prints until you spelt it out correctly.

The young mother put her hands to her face and gasped, she hit her boyfriend's shoulder out of excitement. "OMG!OMG! My baby picked out the perfect name, I knew she wouldn't make any mistakes, Y/N is a genius!"

"She gets her intelligence from me." The tall male stated. Haruto was extremely handsome, he was tall, muscular and had dyed red hair. Your parents were pretty young as well, about twenty one.

If both your parents were physically gifted then that meant you were incredibly beautiful. The thought of you being beautiful was unreal, from what you could remember you were average looking- not like you looked in the mirror much.

#𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, aquamarine hoshinoWhere stories live. Discover now