“What’s this? You call for our help! We provide a home and you deny it!” 

“For god’s sake, Diana. I certainly didn’t call for your help! You…” 

‘I did, it was the only way to protect them’ Akio interrupted with his hands, Diana and Ikkou gave him a ‘look’, their body language showed they weren’t impressed. 

‘Look, I know you two don’t get on and yes, there is more going on than what you all know but we can resolve this. But, first, we must deal with the growing threat and then I will deal with the punishment as well as dealing with the Hex clan’ Akio signed, he slumped further into Ikkou who wrapped an arm around him. They all knew Akio was barely able to stay awake and yet he was protecting Ikkou again, Raphael couldn’t help but smirk. However, that quickly shifted off his face as he turned to face the worried Hamato brothers, Leo threw him his hoodie. Without thinking about it, Raphael changed his hoodie, replacing it with Leo’s. 

“Raphael, do you wish to partake in this plan to take back the city, if not, we are moving and can take you and Leah with us” Diana spoke up, she had made an agreement with Leo and Oroku Saki while Rapahel was out. 

A flash of red amongst the emerald eyes of the teenager had Diana smirking as he lifted Leah into his arms, he smiled down at his daughter kissing her hairline, he passed her over to Diana. 

“Protect her with your life and I will ensure the Hawk Clan remains hidden off the radars for life. An honour among others” Diana could only nod, she knew a clan leader when she saw one. “Keep him safe, as much as Dantzer may annoy me. He was the first one to break the laws of the Hawk Clan without even joining. He impressed me which is why, he deserves to get revenge for his children’s deaths” Diana shared a small hug with Raphael who smirked, he then adjusted the anklet on his daughters foot. 

Turning around Raphael walked straight over to Akio, giving back his katana only to take his sai back from Slash who smirked. Something had changed in Raphael’s stance as he threw something down on the table, it was blueprints. 

“Where did you…” 

“Aruma, got them for me. So, let’s not waste his help” Raphael then turned his back on them all, following his uncles into the corridors to where they kept his gear. 

“Leo, speak to him before he loses himself” April spoke softly, Leo could only nod running after his mate. The one who hardly spoke any words to him. 

Raphael's sole focus had been Leah but now that he knew she was safe, he had other priorities to deal with, he had to save his uncle before he went insane. He was in the middle of grabbing a few weapons when hands wrapped around his hips, twisting him around only for him to be pressed against a warm chest. 

"Talk to me, Raph" 

He sighed, into his lover's shoulders. 

"I need to do this Leo, I know you guys don't like killing but Leah's life will continue to be in danger if we…" 

"I know, which is why I'm with you. I may not agree with the Saki way but you are my mate, my lover and best-friend. So, please talk to me, what's on your mind?" Leo reassured kissing his mate's head. Being taller has its advantages. 

"I feel useless, I don't know what my purpose is anymore. I loved being pregnant and carrying our daughter but now I feel like I don't have a purpose, I know what you're going to say but…mmph" Leo pressed his lips against Raphs, his smaller mate looked up in confusion.

"Raph, I know you would get a typical lecture of me, in the past but that was before I became your mate. I love you for who you are and if you need time to figure out who you are, I will not stand in your way but I will remind you that you are my lover, a mother to our child and a protector to your brother's. Blood doesn't stop Mikey and Donnie from being your brothers. I wouldn't trust anyone else the way I trust you to have my back, so I just wanted to remind you, I love you for who you are not what you are. Your family have very high expectations but know this, I don't care who you turn out to be as long as you continue to accept my love and…mmmph" 

"Kiss me"

Leo could only grin listening to Raphs demand, he dropped his katanas carelessly on the floor and lifted Raph onto his hips. The two pressed further into each other, feeling each other. The younger teenager was quick to wrap his legs around his lover's hips. Leo grinned into the kiss, Raph couldn't help but chuckle, it had been a while since they shared a passion like this. Leo found himself pushing Raph against the wall of the cave as he attacked his neck. Raph couldn't help but arch his back in pleasure.

A knock on the door startled the two of them, Leo gently put Raph back on his feet as he moved to answer just as Raph was removing Leo's hoodie and replacing his top, he dug around his bag and smirked spotting the leather jacket, he knew was bulletproof with it being Dantzers old jacket. He placed it on, only to turn around, his beanie still on his head. Leo could only smile at him while Donnie and Mikey grinned seeing their brother feeling more like himself. Something just felt right about working with the brothers again.

"You ready to go, get our city back?" Mikey asked in excitement. Raph could only nod as he twirled his sai, the brothers watched with smiles seeing their protector back in his element. 

Taking Leo's hand, Raph allowed his lover to lead the way. The four brothers met the others at the hidden entrances of the Hawk caves where certain vehicles sat. The Shellraiser was there which the mighty mutanimals would be using. Beside it sat the party wagon and a few motorbikes. 

Immediately, Raph walked over to the bike he recognised as Dantzers. His hand running over the leather seat, memories fluttered through his mind as he swore to save his uncle even if it was from himself. A hand tapped his shoulder, he turned to see Akio leaning heavily against the wall. The older man gestured for Raphael to follow him in which the young teenager did but remained in Leo's view. The blue bandana teenager was paranoid and Raph didn't want to make him anymore especially after what had just happened with Aruma. Fighting back the tears, Raph found himself focusing on his uncle in front of him.

'I know you are probably confused with the powers of the gem but what you must understand. To get peace you must keep the red gem in your possession, if it falls in evil hands. The city will fall but if it comes to it, I will step in and deal with it. Just don't tell Ikkou' Akio signed. Raphael could only nod, signing back, 'Last resort'. Akio could only smile, slumping more into a nearby tree. Ikkou caught his eye as his older twin walked over to provide some comfort. Akio wouldn't be joining them, he had something else to do. April offered to go with him but she knew they needed her so instead Shinigami went, he nodded knowing she would be best for this. Ikkou and Akio would be splitting up causing a bigger headache for Saki who would be working closely with Ikkou.

Stay Tuned for more chapters on the way very soon!
All feedback welcome! :)

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