Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in the center, the townspeople were gathered and tied up on their knees scared. A few of the citizens were hurt and scared. They were surrounded by the Dark Members with magically weapons pointed at the terrified citizens. One of the Members had the Mayor held at gunpoint.

Mayor: Why are you doing this?!

Neo: Names Neo, ya old geezer. And we're with the Dark Guild Necro Fear. We were sent to look for something in particular. And if we don't get what we want soon, I'm afraid we gonna have to start killing these nice people here one by one.

The townspeople started getting scared as the Dark Guild members started laughing.

Mayor: I know what you're here for. 

Neo: If you know. Then are you gonna hand it over or am I gonna have to start dropping bodies?

Mayor: Please....I can't if you take the key the world will be doomed.

Neo: Oh well.

Neo raises his and aims at a mother and her young child and charges a shadow ball.

Neo: Last chance!!!

Mayor: Please don't do this!!!!

Neo: Say goodbye!!!

Neo fired and shot the blast at the two. Suddenly Shadow appeared in front of the two and knocked the blast away. The Dark Guild and the townspeople were shocked at his sudden appearance.

Neo: What the hell?! Who the hell are you?!

Shadow: The guy who is about to put you A-holes 10 feet under.

Shadow snapped his fingers and the townspeople disappeared instantly.

Mayor: My word...

Neo: The hell did they go?!

Shadow: I teleported the remaining townspeople outside the town. My friend is currently keeping them safe while I deal with you bastards.

Neo: Well it doesn't matter. If you haven't looked around you're still outnumbered.

The Necro Fear members surrounded Shadow and aimed their weapons at him.

Neo: OPEN FIRE!!!!

They fired at Shadow but Shadow dodged the shots with ease and used his speed to avoid them.

Grunt 1: He's so fast!

Grunt 2: I can't hit him!!!!

Shadow: My turn!! CHAOS DRAGON.......

Shadow hits a large group with a powerful punch, sending flying and crashing to the ground.

Shadow: LANCING FIST!!!!!

Shadow then turned around at the last of the men and fired another attack.

Shadow: CHAOS DRAGON......TALON!!!!!!

With one kick Shadow sends the grunts to the ground. Shadow sees most of the had either fled or on the ground unconscious. Shadow was suddenly pulled by an unknown force. His body felt like it weighed tons.

Shadow(Grunting) The hell?!

Neo: Ha. You're tough I'll give you that, but let's see you stand up with times 50 gravity pulling you down!

Shadow: Damn it!

Suddenly out of nowhere....

Ur: Ice Make.....Spike Barrage!!!!!!

Ice spikes surrounded Neo and cut up his body but no lethal blows. Neo was angry, with his other hand he blasted Ur with a shadow ball. Ur screamed in pain as the blast hit. She fell to the ground.

Shadow The Ultimate Fairy Wizard(Sonic X Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now