Chapter 6

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Shadow and the Fairy Tail gang arrived and were immediately confronted by a large group of dark wizards waiting for them. A man in a robe with a large scythe, sat above looking down at them.

Erigor: Welcome Fairy Tail!

Erza: I take it you're Erigor.

Lucy: That's a lot of bad guys.

Shadow: Hey blondie, better wake up pinky.

Lucy: I'm trying. Come Natsu get up.

Lucy tried shaking him.

Kageyama: You two got me in trouble with Erigor. Time for some pay back.

Nasty starts to wake up.

Erza: What's your plan with Lullaby?

Erigor: You really want to know?

Erigor flew up in the air.

Lucy: He's flying?!

Happy: He's using Wind Magic!

Erigor: What do all train stations have?

Shadow: The loudspeakers!

Erigor: Bingo.

Erza: You plan to broadcast Lullaby's music?!

Lucy: But why?! The townspeople haven't done anything to you!

Erigor: This is a cleansing to all the ignorant fools who turned a blind eye to the injustice of this world.

Lucy: You're all completely insane.

Kageyama: We'll entering a new age of darkness, of course you Fairy flies won't be around for it!!!

He fires his shadow attack at Lucy, but Natsu destroys the attack before it hits.

Kageyama: Damn you.

Natsu: Well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a party here!

Gray: Damn straight.

Shadow: Alright let's get this out of the way. Chaos Bullets!!!

Shadow fired balls of energy towards Erigor, but he blew them away with his Wind magic.

Erigor: Take care of these fools men. Don't let me down!

Erigor disappeared into thin air.

Shadow: Damn he's gone!

Erza: Natsu! Gray! After him.

Natsu and Gray took off without questioning her. But Kageyama and another Eisenwald member pursued.

Lucy: They're going after them.

Erza: They can handle themselves. For now let's focus on the rest of them.

Lucy: 3 against 100?! The odds aren't in our favor.

Shade/Happy: What about us?!

Shadow and Erza looked at each other and nodded at once another.

Shadow: Ready?

Erza: Ready.

Erza summoned a sword into her hand and Shadow fists began to glow a yellowish green. They charged and immediately took out multiple enemies at once. Shadow charged up an attack.

Shadow: Chaos Dragon......RRROOOAAARRR!!!

Shadow a group of men with his attack. Erza switched to dual blades and took out more of the Eisenwald goons with 2 slashes. Then re-equips into another weapon.

Shadow The Ultimate Fairy Wizard(Sonic X Fairy Tail)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu