"So, you know Mollie? The girl I told you about a while ago?" He asks, and I mentally cheer in my head. I knew it would be about her! One point to Matilda.

"I do, remember yes. Tell me everything!"

"So, I actually have some bad news," he starts out, and my face immediately drops, because this is not where I thought this was heading. Like at all. "I've left you in the single club, because I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!" He says, and his face breaks out into a huge grin, and simultaneously so does mine.

"Tobi! You little - shit, you scared the crap out of me! I was so worried I was going to have to do damage control and cheer you up and then - that's so great! I'm so happy for you," I tell him, once again giving him a hug, rubbing his back to show my happiness for him. "Although, I can't believe you've left me to captain the single club. I'm like the only one left in our group now."

"Well, you and Harry," he adds in, and I know he's innocent with his words and they don't carry any real weight to them, but they hit me like a truck, a truck that makes me feel more alive than ever before, butterflies swirling in my stomach. Those damn butterflies will be the end of me, I just know it.

"Yeah, and Harry," I say, trying to appear nonchalant about it, because I'll be damned if I blow my cover now. "So! Tell me everything about it. When did you ask? How did you ask?" I question him, although it probably carries an interrogative tone - by accident, of course. Naturally, I'm just trying to be a supportive friend.

"Well, she loves jewellery, so when we were having dinner at mine I gave her a silver ring which had 'be my girlfriend?' engraved on the inside. I kinda had to point it out to her because she wanted it on her finger straight away, but as soon as she saw it she said yes. It was actually quite romantic, I was really impressed with myself," he tells me, and it's honestly one of the cutest things I've heard.

"Wow, you've really raised the bar for boyfriends everywhere," I laugh, but in all seriousness, I was really happy for him. "So how long have you two been official?" I ask.

"Only for two weeks. Literally just before we went on the holiday video. I was going to tell you when we got back, but the plane was delayed and it was all so stressful and you had food poisoning and then you were off, so - I just decided it would be better to tell you in person rather than over the phone, or by text. Trust me, it was a long wait."

"I bet it was! I'm really happy for you, Tobi. Like, genuinely. Two years is such a long time, but it all worked out in the end. Have you told any of the guys yet? Or any of your family?" I question, knowing that the last time he'd told me about her, I had been the first person to know.

"My family knows now. Manny kind of found out by accident, but I was planning on telling me that week anyway, so it worked out. They're really happy for me. I'm planning on telling the guys soon, when things calm down a little around here," he says, but we both know that things have never, and will never be completely calm around here. There's always something going on.

"Well, hey! Your family knows. That's a pretty big step, now you just have to introduce her to them all. Not scary or anything," I grin, because it is in fact, probably very scary for him.

"I'm planning on doing it in a couple of weeks. She's coming over to stay round mine for a week, we're gonna pop home for a night and stay for dinner. I'm not sure who's more nervous - me or her."

"Well, I want to meet her one day. I'm sure she's lovely," I tell him, wanting to feel as comfortable as he can around me, especially since he trusted me enough to tell me in the first place.

"Definitely! I want to introduce her to all the guys, too. Maybe I'll let her meet you first, as a warm up," he smiles, thinking it through in his head. "Anyway, I've borrowed you for too long. Let's go back into the madness, shall we?" He suggests, and I agree with him, knowing there's probably a million jobs waiting for me when I get back.

mutuality | wroetoshawजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें