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This is a long one! Prepare to meet the family!! (I love this chapter so bad)

"Have a good Christmas, guys," I say cheerfully, though it's a little bittersweet. Kon and Kirsty were going back to see Kirsty's family, and they were leaving today.

She had asked him after the party last night, and of course he had jumped at the chance to meet her family. To my knowledge, they were going to her family for Christmas, and then back down to our town where they'd spend New Years with his. Hopefully we'd meet up for that, but it was still a good two weeks away. That was a long time apart when you lived with someone.

"You too! We'll FaceTime some point on Christmas Day for sure," Kirsty spoke, hugging me tight.

Harry was here also, with his bags, saying goodbye to Kon. I'd told them both about inviting him back to mine for Christmas, so it would be nice to meet up together for the new year.

"Yes! And you two behave, mind! Kon, don't embarrass yourself," I tease, then bringing him in for a short hug after Kirsty.

"Ah, always. I'll be on my best behaviour," he tells me, rubbing my back soothingly. "Message me if you need anything. And don't forget to turn these lights off," he reminds me, looking up at the living room light.

"Jesus, I'm not stupid," I shake my head with a laugh, releasing myself from the hug.

"Stupid, no, but forgetful? Absolutely," he continues, giving me a very quick kiss on the cheek before going back over to Kirsty.

"Safe travels, guys," Harry calls out as they make their way to the door, hauling their suitcases behind them.

"Yeah, text me when you get there!" I add on the end, knowing it's a long journey for them as well.

"Alright Mum and Dad," Kirsty interjects, flashing me a grin as she leaves, leaving me stumped in the living room.

"Yeah, wife," Harry teases, laughing at the annoyed look on my face.

"Don't you start as well," I warn him, the door shutting leaving us alone in my apartment.

"Okay, sorry, sorry," he says, his hands up and backing off.

"Good. You should be." And then, "My parents are only five minutes away," I say, receiving a text on my phone from my Mum.

"Exciting. Actually - what are their names? Or do I call them Mrs and Mr Tate -" he starts, but stops when I start laughing.

"My mum is called Marilyn. And my dad is called Lee. But you can probably get away with calling my mum Maz if she likes you enough."

"Do you reckon they'll like me?" He asks, and he genuinely sounds a little nervous. Like he wants them to like him at first sight.

"Yeah," I say softly, and it's true. There's nothing about him they wouldn't like. He's been an incredible friend to me ever since I met him, and not once has he upset me or done anything to doubt our friendship. "I do."

We spend the next five or so minutes talking until I receive another message from my mum telling me they've just parked up outside.

"I'm gonna go buzz them in, wait here?" I ask, waiting for I'm to nod his head before grabbing a key and heading for the door.

I literally can't contain my excitement as I run through the corridor and towards the elevator. It doesn't open quick enough, and I find myself impatiently waiting for it to do so, racing in when it does.

I haven't...exactly told them about bringing Harry home with us, but we have a spare room, and they love company, so I already know it won't be an issue. I left that part out to Harry, who had been so excited to come back and spend time with my family. I didn't want him to worry when there literally wouldn't be a reason to.

mutuality | wroetoshawHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin