fifty one

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Wrote this chapter deathly ill in bed after having to phone in sick to work 😭 enjoy

"I know it's summer, but this heat is actually dreadful," Harry complains, wiping some sweat from his forehead, wheeling both of our suitcases behind us on the gravel leading up to his front door.

It had been a week since the concert, and after having a little bit of time to ourselves to allow us to relax, we had caught a flight over to Guernsey, where I was finally meeting his family.

Nervous was an understatement, despite talking to his Mum various times over the phone, occasionally speaking to his Dad, brother and sister, too. But this was real life, and it felt a little daunting.

"You are literally wearing jumpers and trackies. I told you it would be hot," I remind him, also quite hot and sweaty but feeling saved by my outfit. Sensibly, I'd chosen to wear shorts and a tank top, so I wasn't overheating. Harry, on the other hand...

"Yeah, yeah, I know you told me," he replies, coming to a stop, his house right in front of us now. He digs out a house key from his pocket, waving it in front of us. "They're all out in the garden making lunch. We'll pop these upstairs then go see them?" He suggests, and I nod my head, happy to go along with whatever plan he's got in his mind.

He unlocks the door, and I'm surprised but grateful for the cold air that greets us. Thank god for his house having air conditioning.

"You go up first, I don't want you walking behind a suitcase on the stairs. My room is second door on the right...I can't remember if it's messy, it probably is so I'll apologise for that in advance," he grins, letting me walk past, and up the stairs first.

It feels slightly weird, because we'd both watched some of his old videos together, so in a sense it felt as if I'd been here before, giving me some serious deja vu.

As instructed by Harry, I walk to the second door on the right, pushing it open, revealing Harry's room. It was actually very tidy, which made me think that someone had come in and cleaned it for him.

"Oh. It's tidy," he says from behind me, clearly surprised.

His desk with his computers on looked suspiciously well kept, his bin was empty and his bed was made. It was a spacious room, with a generous king sized bed, another thing that was so expected from him.

"I like your room. It's very you," I comment, seeing some certificates up on his wall, a few posters of his interests alongside.

"Most of my shit is still in London, this is just the stuff I kept here. Home is what you make it though," he shrugs, dumping our suitcases by the bed. "Downstairs?"

I nod at his suggestion, and he holds his hand out for me so we can walk down together.

I can hear some music coming through from the outside area, the sliding door already half open, where I can see out into his garden.

From a first glance, it's huge. I can't even see the end of the garden, just some trees and an archway which most likely leads to another secluded part of the garden.

"We've got some chickens round the corner. I can show you them later if you'd like," he tells me, and of course I want to see his chickens.

His mum clocks us first, and I can see her face change into a huge smile, jumping up from her chair and running towards us to meet us both halfway, despite only just making it outside.

"You didn't tell me you were going to be here yet!" His mum squeals in excitement, shaking her head but engulfing Harry in a bone crushing hug. "Lunch isn't even ready yet!"

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