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"So, how does this video concept actually work?" I ask Kon as we both set up some of the cameras for todays shoot. Today is the day that the guys are filming the tinder video, but I'm confused on how they're actually planning on bringing this concept to life.

"So we've got ten girls coming in today, and the guys will essentially just use their best pick up line, or worst - if they're going for the funny route, and the girl basically swipes left or right if she likes it," he explains, and it's actually a lot more straightforward than what I'd imagined in my head.

"Well, this is going to be crazy with JJ and Harry," I comment, and Kirsty looks up from her seat, midway through fiddling with a camera. We share the same look, which is essentially just her agreeing with my comment, before she looks back down and continues concentrating on whatever she's doing. 

"Yep. I'm already dreading the second hand embarrassment for some of them," he tells me, stepping back from the camera to see if the height needs adjusting. "Can you go stand on the cross on the floor, just to check if this is at the right height?"

Nodding my head I walk over to the cross on the floor, facing Kon awkwardly. "All good?" I ask, and in response I get a thumbs up. 

We're in the usual studio, but we're still waiting for the crew to come and set it up for today's video. There's some lighting in the background that Kon, Kirsty and I set up a while ago because we're always the first to arrive at the location. The perks of having the lead crew member as your roommate. 

I go and join Kirsty on the seats whilst Kon sorts out his own camera, and I pick up mine from the table, taking it out of it's case. 

"Ready for your first official shoot?" I ask Kirsty, sitting next to her. She looks up at me, and she genuinely looks really excited. 

"Yes! I'm actually so ready for it. I hope they like the photos I take," she grins. 

"I'm sure they will. I mean, I love them, from what Kon's shown me. You're crazy talented," I compliment her, and I really do truly mean it. 

"You're too nice to me sometimes, I swear," she says sarcastically, blowing me a kiss regardless. 

"Well, someone has to be. You aren't getting it from moody over there," I say, teasing Kon, knowing how blissfully unaware he is from across the room. 

"True," she giggles, placing her camera on the table. "I'm thinking of asking him to do something over Christmas," she says suddenly, and this does catch my attention. 

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"I don't know. He's said he's going back to visit his family, and I'm going to see mine too, but I thought I'd maybe ask if he wants to come back to meet mine either before or after Christmas," she tells me, and my insides are screaming because I am so happy for both of them. 

In the short while I'd known Kirsty, she'd become like another sister to me, and Kon was - I still hated the term, but - my best friend. To see them so happy and comfortable around each other made me so incredibly happy it was insane. 

"Definitely!" I blurt out, a little louder than intended which causes Kon to look over in surprise. He looks away pretty quickly after I give him the look. "Sorry," I say, a lot quieter to Kirsty who looks a little surprised after my immediate response. "What I meant to say is, I think you should definitely invite him to yours. He loves stuff like that. I mean it."

"You think?" She asks, and it's probably the most nervous I've seen her talking about Kon. 

"For sure! That man cannot, and will not ever be able to say no to you. But don't tell him I told you that," I grin, and I watch as her face visibly relaxes, as if all the tension just dissipates. 

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