Chapter 23-Alexis

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I knew it! I guess you could say a small part of me was hopeful that things wouldn't play out as I predicted but what the fuck was I expecting? I already knew how it would always be business before anything else for Kasey.

After she left, I carried on watching the TV but I was not focused on it. I was deep in thought, asking myself if she would return. I guess I finally got the answer. It was funny how even though a part of me knew, I was still majorly disappointed.

I mean at least that time around she was decent enough to let me know she wouldn't be coming back. I was beginning to contemplate whether to cook or order out. But what was the point of cooking anyway? I was going to be eating alone.

So I ordered some take out and made myself some dessert. I sat down on the couch and ate as soon as it arrived, thinking about Kasey. I wasn't even trying for a relationship with her because I knew she would be hesitant but after we spent time together, I thought I would have a chance to make a move. Apparently not.

Not when she constantly wasn't available. She left whenever she felt she needed to. The pressure of the baby was too much for her, she definitely didn't need a relationship as well. I guess both of us didn't. It was way too soon after the annulment anyway.

I ran my hand through my hair as I walked around my apartment after I ate, treating myself with the simple dessert I made, which really was just a piece of chocolate cake, covered in custard.

As I placed the dirty dishes in the sink, getting ready to shower and then go throw myself on my bed and sleep, I heard a knock. Really couldn't catch a break... My guess was that it was Sophie and Vicky. Those two showed up whenever it suited them. No warning prior.

"Coming." I yelled as I made my way to the door and opened it. It wasn't Sophie and Vicky. It was Kasey. With an overnight bag in her hand, dressed to the nines in a pantsuit as she pushed her way in. "Hey." I said, surprised she was there.

"Hi." She responded, placing the bag down and taking her shoes off before she turned to me. "Uhm. You're here?" I said, more of a question then a statement. "Yes. I packed the bag and threw it in my car before I went to meet my parents. And now here I am." She explained.

"Right." I said as I shut the door. "What's the situation?" I asked her, still half confused. "I promised you a sleepover." She said and I nodded. "But I thought you weren't going to make it." I pointed out clearly referring to the phone call.

"You cut the call before I could speak, Alexis. I was trying to explain to you that I would be late. Not that I couldn't make it." She went on and I sighed and mentally kicked myself. "Right, my bad." I said as I bit my lip. I really had to stop jumping to conclusions.

"It's cool." She said, balancing on her heels before she stood normally again. "Okay. Have you eaten?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Barged out of there as soon as I could." She explained. "Well. I ordered take out. I can dish up for you." I told her.

"And what will you do while I eat?" She asked. "I'll go shower." I answered. "When I'm done eating and I'm taking a shower, what will you do?" She asked again. "I'll just read a book or something." I told her, shrugging. "When I'm done showering and I'm reading a book, what will you do?" She asked and I started to notice that she was teasing me.

"Shut up." I told her as I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed. I made my way to the kitchen and began dishing up for her. What the fuck was happening? Why was she back? I thought I was convincing myself to get over her. To not be interested in a relationship with her.

I was convincing myself that she wasn't cute at all. But she was. I mean she was back! I needed to level my head and I would do just that in the shower. "Here." I said as I slid the plate to her and noticed that she was watching me intently.

"What?" I asked and she shrugged. "Nothing." She said as she accepted the plate with a thank you. "No. What was that look?" I asked her. "You have to stop doubting me." She said, looking at me and I shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry." I said, quietly and she shrugged. "It's okay, Alexis. Go have your shower." She said and I spun around, eager to get out there because of the tension that was growing. "But. Before you go." She said and I turned to look at her and I noticed her stand up and advance towards me.

She pulled me into her and crashed our lips together. At first I stood there flabbergasted before I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her back.

After a while she pulled back and tapped my nose with her finger. "Go shower." She whispered, but she refused to let me go. "I should." I whispered back. But we still stood there in each other's embrace.

"You should... uhm... probably let go."I suggested, scrunching my face but enjoying her touch. "I probably should." She replied but she still held on. "Kasey." I whined and she laughed before letting me go. "It's so easy to mess with you." She said, as she walked around the counter and sat down to eat.

So I took her bag and dropped it in my room before I went to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, I stripped out of everything and stepped onto the shower. The whole time, I felt the aftermath of the kiss. And as I stood there, hot water splashing against my skin, I thought back to it. Damn, Kasey for sure knew how to bring a woman to her knees because I knew I'd do it, no questions asked.

After my short shower, I stepped out and went to dry myself with a towel while I exited the bathroom and walked into my room. I caught a glimpse of Kasey, looking directly at me from down the hall before I could make it into my room.

I saw her smirk at me before she looked away and I rushed into my room, at the same time that feeling rushed straight to my core. Damn girl, she just looked at you, nothing else happened. Get a grip! I mean, imagine what it felf like when we actually kissed.

I blushed at the thought as I quickly got into my underwear and a sit pajama set. I looked at myself through the mirror and I gently pressed my hand against my stomach. It felt a bit hard and a bit curved. But I still wasn't showing when i was in my clothes. You would notice it if I were naked and you looked really close. It still amazed me how I had a human growing inside me.

Soon after my gawking session, Kasey knocked, or I assumed it was her, rather. I mean there was no one else in the house. "Come in." I said, straightening up and dropping my hand from my stomach. She slowly opened the door and stepped in.

"I need my overnight bag so I can go take a shower." She said, but she was looking down at my exposed thighs. "Oh right." I said and looked around a bit as she went straight to her bag and retrieved it.

I watched her as she walked out and I sighed. I hoped she was excited as I was about the baby, because I felt myself falling in love with the tiny little blob every single day.

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