Chapter 14-Kasey

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I had a shitty day at work. My parents showed up in the middle of the day which forced me to push all of my meetings and have my assistant take my calls. Even my private calls.

Apparently my parents found out, some way or the other about my little situation with Alexis. "Mother. Father." I addressed as I joined them in the boardroom. "Kasey. Have a seat." My mother said, as if I was going to remain standing. Scoff!

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked them, sarcastically. I knew they knew. They knew that I knew that they knew. "Cut the bullshit. What the fuck am I hearing about you being married?" My father asked and I sighed. "Exactly that." I told them.

"Who are you married to?" My father asked. "My wife." I told them. They knew I was gay, that was the least of my worries. "We figured it was a woman. We just need to know who." My father said. "I can't tell you that." I told them.

"We need to make the separation easier for you." My mother informed. "We're not separating. She's carrying our kid." I told them. "Ha! That's funny." My mother said, turning to her husband while they laughed a bit. "What's funny exactly?" I asked them, tilting my head a bit.

"She's not pregnant." My father simply stated. "Yeah. Except for the fact that she is." I told them. "Then it's not yours." He simply said again. "I don't need to discuss this with you guys." I pointed out.  "You represent this company. That should come first. If you fail at that, you're welcome to leave." He set an ultimatum.

"What?" I asked. "You can't do that." I continued, my face dropping. "It's my company, I can do as I please. Get an annulment . It's still early enough." He said as he stood up and offered my mother a hand, both of them leaving me alone in the boardroom.

I blew a breathe and stood up, my head suddenly hurting. I went to my assistant to collect my phone and asked her to gather my meetings and inform me about them. I rushed into my office and checked my phone. No texts from Alexis but there was a call that was received from her.

Taylor, my assistant, walked in and dropped my schedule on my table. "Alexis called?" I asked her. "Yes. She refused to leave a message though." She said, looking anywhere but at me. "Right thanks, you can go." I told her as I reached for my schedule. Who hand writes a schedule these days?

I looked through it before setting it down and joining a Skype meeting, I was already late for.


Five p.m. The time I look forward to most, every single day. Sometimes I don't leave at five per se but if the work is a bit light, then I take it home. I hopped into my car and drove to my apartment. I was tired. Mostly from thinking about my parents' visit.

It exhausted me. As soon as I made it inside, I dropped my laptop bag on my table, took my shoes off and threw myself on the couch. I took my phone out and dialed Alex's number. It rang until it went to voicemail. I dialed again and placed the phone against my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

I was growing worried by the second. That was until she picked up. "What?" Was the first thing she said and her tone was harsh. "Uhm, hi." I said, my brows furrowed. "What do you want, Kasey King?" She asked, again her tone harsh.

"I have the feeling I have done something wrong?" I said, more like a question. "Look who's suddenly so smart." She said, sarcastically. Okay, Alexis was intimidating in general. But the whole being pregnant and moody thing heightened it.

"What did I do?" I asked because it seemed everything I did was so wrong. "Take a fucking guess and leave me the fuck alone." She said before hanging up. What the hell just happened?

I was way too exhausted to even fathom. So I got up and got my keys, put my shoes on, deciding to drive to her place to figure out what the hell was up. I drove in silent, trying to make it to her place soon. As soon as I parked at her parking lot, I hopped out of the vehicle and made my way up to her apartment.

I knocked several times waiting for her to answer. "Coming!" I heard her yell from the other side and I waiting, gently tapping my foot on the ground. She finally opened the door and looked at me. "What?" She asked, face sour, and the same harsh tone from earlier coming out full force.

"I'm here to see you. Are you going to let me in?" I asked and she shrugged. "Depends." She simply said, not making a move to let me in. "On?" I asked. "I'll ask you a question and if you lie to me I'll slam the door in your face." She said looking up at me with her innocent yet so conniving eyes.

"Uhm sure." I said a bit skeptical about where it was leading. "Are you in a relationship?" She asked and I sighed. "I don't know if I can call us a relationship." I answered and she rolled her eyes. "I mean do you have a girlfriend, you dimwit?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Are you my girlfriend?" I asked her, genuinely confused. "No! Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked again and I shrugged. "If it's not you then no, I don't." I told her and she started shutting the door when I placed my hand on it. "What?" She asked and I sighed.

"You said you would slam the door on my face if I was lying. I wasn't lying." I informed her. "I said I would shut the door if you were lying and you are lying." She shot back. Do pregnancy hormones make people lose their minds?

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. "Who the fuck picked up your phone today? Figure it out. That's your girlfriend." She explained. "What?" I asked her. "You are fucking your assistant. Your assistant is your girlfriend. How the fuck can you be okay with us being married when you know you have a girlfriend?" She went on.

"My assistant is my girlfriend?" I asked her, brushing my hand through my hair. "That's what she told me." She said. "She said she's my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded. "She said you were in a meeting with your parents discussing how you and I would get an annulment because she's with you." She pointed out and I sighed.

"Can I come in so we can talk?" I asked her and she shrugged. "I don't know. Do you even want to be here?" She asked. "You dropped my call and I drove here to find out what was wrong. I'm pretty sure I want to be here." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"If I didn't want to be here, I would have left it at you dropping my call and I wouldn't be bothered by it." I explained and she sighed. "Come in." She said and I walked in shutting the door. I took my shoes off by the door and walked in.

"Please explain the situation to me." I pleaded and she did. She explained the call she had with Taylor. She explained how Taylor talked shit with her but she never explained why she called. I mean she didn't need a reason to call, she could call anytime she wanted. But knowing Alexis, she doesn't call just because. She always had a reason.

"So you took her word for it? Didn't think to confront me?: I asked her. "I'm confronting you right now." She pointed out and I sighed. "Only because I came here. You wouldn't have explained otherwise." I said. "Taylor isn't my girlfriend. My parents did come around, yes and that's why I want us to talk." I told her after I realized she wasn't going to say anything.

"Taylor isn't your girlfriend? The same Taylor that said I would get served."  She asked, doing this weird hand gesture. "Can we sit?" I asked her and she groaned. "Fine." She huffed and threw herself on the couch. "Explain." She said, folding her arms and looking at me.

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