Chapter 8-Kasey

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I called my sisters soon after Alexis left. They currently sat on the couch as they sipped on the wine I offered them. "Speak, spawn of satan." Kai said. How comforting. "Alexis is pregnant." I spoke and Kora spat the wine onto my couch and I gave her a disapproving look.

"On my damn couch?" I asked, pissed. "She's what?" Kora asked, completely ignoring me. "Pregnant. You know when a woman carries a child in their womb for nine months?" I explained and she rolled her eyes.

"Your Alexis?" Kai asked and I sighed. "She's not mine. She's not property. But yes. That Alexis. We don't know any other Alexis do we?" I asked. "Is she saying it's yours?" Kora asked. She loved gossip way too much for her own good. "It's ours, yes." I answered. I felt like I was being monotonous.

"I'm pretty sure you don't have the reproductive equipment for that." Kai offered. "IVF. Turns out we got married and then went to get a baby." I said. "Damn. You need to lay off alcohol. It's making you do the craziest shit." Kora said and both Kai and I looked at her. "Look who's talking. Miss gets drunk and have a four way with two lesbian couples. You're not even gay." Kai pointed out.

"It was a moment of weakness. I don't care what you people say, those women looked like fucking goddesses. Plus her situation tops mine." She defended pointing at me and I rolled my eyes. "I'm married and I have a baby on the way and those are the ten words I never thought I'd put in the same sentence. Preston and Anna are going to kill me." I informed them.

"Divorce and abortion?" Kora suggested. "I dare you to suggest that to Alexis. See what happens to you. Besides I couldn't ask that of her. I don't want her to get rid of our child." I said. "And we've decided to put the divorce on hold." I told them. "At least let mom and dad know." Kai said.

"What part of 'Preston and Anna are going to kill me' do you not understand?" I asked, my brows furrowed. "They're going to find out at some point. They always find out." She shot back. "I'm late for work." Kora said, gathering her things and a cookie. "It's better if you tell them and they don't find out themselves." Kora said before leaving.

"She's not wrong." Kai said. "Talk to Alexis about this and tell mom and dad." She said, pointing at me. My phone rang and I reached for it checking my caller ID. "Speak of the devil." I murmured as I saw Alex's name on the screen. "Alexis?" She asked and I nodded, picking up.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hi. I wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight? If you're not busy, of course." She suggested and I sighed. "It's cool. It's cool if you're busy." She quickly added and I sighed once more. Kai mouthed multiple questions to me. "No, Alexis, it's fine. I can make it." I told her.

"My friends will be there, they want to meet you and stuff." She informed. Damn. That's pressure right there. "Can I bring someone then? My sister?" I asked, looking at Kai who was pointing at herself in question and I nodded at her.

"Oh sure. If that makes you more comfortable." She said. "Bring her along." She finished. "Okay. I'll see you then." I said. "I'll text you my address. I'll host the dinner at my house." She said. "Cool." I replied. "Okay then. Bye." She said, awkwardly before hanging up.

I looked up to Kai. "The fuck?" She asked. "Looks like we're going to Alex's place for dinner tonight." I informed. "Why me?" She asked and I shrugged. "Alexis told me that her friend, Vicky, wants to skin me alive so I'll be comfortable knowing that a family member will live on to tell the tale." I told her.

"Alexis is your family now." She said, solely to spite me but it actually made me a bit happy. "Shut up. I expect you to be here by five." I said. "Why five?" She asked. "Because. I need you to verify if I look good enough to eat." I shot back, to spite her. "Ew, you lesbian bitch." She said and scrunched her face. "Just be here." I said, pleading a bit.

"Fine fine. This proves how much you need me in your life. You're nothing without me." She said pointing at me as she stood up to take her leave. Well Ouch! I didn't bother with going to work that day. I just called my assistant and let her know about it. Instead, I attended virtual meetings and carried on with my day.


At five p.m sharp, Kai showed up, dressed and all and she helped me pick my outfit. Let's just say she was not lenient with my options. She wanted me to dress to the nines and I didn't see that necessary since it wasn't an outing.

I ended up wearing a beige pantsuit and a white vest. Fucking ridiculous if you asked me. I let my dark hair down and applied some lip gloss.  I grabbed my keys, a bottle of champagne and my phone and pushed her out the door when she started insisting on doing my make up. Hell no.

"You know, you shouldn't have asked me for my opinion if your face is going to be that sour the whole night. Plus you would've looked bomb with the make up." She insisted and I sighed, checking the rear view mirrors and silently driving to Alex's address.

As she went on about how I shouldn't limit my wardrobe, I tuned her out and listened to the GPS directing me. When the GPS finally stated 'you have arrived at your destination', I thanked the gay angels for it. I parked at the parking lot outside her apartment building and called her.

"Hey." She picked up. "Hi. I'm outside your building." I informed her. "Oh okay. You can come in and wait at the reception. I'll send Sophie down. I think you'll recognize her? I'm kinda busy right now so I can't come down myself." She said. "Yeah sure, I'll see her." I replied. "Cool. I'll see you then." She said before hanging up.

"Come on. Let's head in." I told Kai. We unbuckled our seat belts, I grabbed the bottle and hopped out before I locked the car. We went into the building and waited at the reception. I tapped my foot on the floor repeatedly as I put my hands in my pockets. I did not realize before but I really was anxious.

"Kasey King." Someone called and I turned around. It was Sophie but she wasn't alone. She was with the infamous Vicky. The one that hated my guts and wanted to skin me alive. "Sophie, Vicky hi. This is my sister Kai." I introduced them and they shook hands. I handed the bottle to Sophie who smiled and thanked me. "She's a snack." Vicky said, practically eye fucking my sister.

"Babe. Be cool." Sophie shrieked as she slapped her arm. They were together? Well damn. "What? It's true. Can't say much about the toad looking sister." Vicky said, unapologetically, glancing at me. My self-esteem took a jab at that, wasn't going to lie.

It was going to be a long freaking night.

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