Chapter 17-Alexis

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I drove home in the afternoon, Vicky and Sophie driving right behind me, following me home. It was mostly a calm day but I had been, all in all, moody. They picked up on it, called Oliver and set a 'much needed intervention'. Their words not mine.

I parked in the parking lot and Vicky parked right next to me. We all hopped out and made our way, no words exchanged. Until we got to my apartment. Oliver was already inside, living room set, intervention banner hung, wine out, glasses ready and he sat there waiting for us while he filed his nails and hummed.

"Hey." I said, taking my coat off and hanging it. "Oh hi, sweetie." He said waving, before he started filing again. I threw my keys on the key holder and slipped my shoes off, joining him on the couch. Vicky on Sophie shut the door before they joined us too.

"I can't drink wine." I told him pointing at it the bucket fill with ice and had wine in it with juice next to it. "That's why I put out some juice too." He said. Everybody settled down after Vicky took out our traditional intervention candle and lit it, placing it on the table.

The little traditions, the stupid little traditions is what made us, us. It made us family. Some of them were simply laughable but I loved and lived for every single second of having them in my life. "Alex, baby. The floor is yours. What's wrong?" Vicky said. The wine was still untouched and it was a rule that we drank after we talked everything out.

"With what?" I asked them. "You guys still haven't explained what this intervention is about." I told them, gesturing to everything around us. "You have been moody and you refuse to talk to any one of us. What's wrong?" Sophie asked and I sighed.

"I'm just tired." I said, slumping. "Like, general fatigue or is it the pregnancy." Oliver asked. "I'm tired of the life I'm living." I said and in return I received a chorus of 'woahs'. "Not like that! I don't want to end it or anything. I'm just saying. Before this, my life was monotonous, predictable and it was easy to plan ahead. Now, everything is changing every second. I don't know what to plan for anymore. The only place I feel sane is at work. Which is why you may feel I'm shutting you out. I enjoy the zone where I can freely plan something and know what's going to happen next. It feels like a bubble I can step in when I need relief." I explained.

"I got married and fell pregnant, two months ago. And I had no idea about the latter until recently. As I was adjusting to that, Kasey came along and told me her parents set an ultimatum for her. Me or the business. I won't ever allow her to downplay her work because I know I would expect her not to that to me as well. It's her career after all. So we have to get an annulment and that's just another thing to deal with." I went on and I felt a lump rise in my throat.

"What's next? Somebody tells her to ditch the baby? I don't know what to expect and I hate it." I told them as I felt my eyes heating up and becoming moist. I hated how easily I cried. "Babe." Oliver said, placing a hand on my shoulder, rubbing. "I need the juice now." I told him, trying but failing to swallow the lump.

I woke up the following day, cramped up and nauseated. Vicky, Sophie, Oliver and I squeezed into my bed during a bonding moment and we all fell asleep. I maneuvered my way out of all the tangled limbs and I rushed to the bathroom to empty my stomach. I walked back into my room after I washed my mouth and I stood next to the bed looking down at them and I smiled.

I loved the fact that I would wake them up however I pleased and they wouldn't do anything about it because I would the pull pregnancy card. So I went to the kitchen to collect a pan and a spatula. I went back to the room and stood by the bed again. I cleared my throat, impossibly trying to stop the smile on my face. "Wake up."I whispered at first.

At least I wouldn't be lying if they asked why I didn't wake them like a normal person and I answered that I did. "Wake up, bitches!" I screamed as I started slamming one object against one another. Sophie squealed as she turned around and fell on the floor with a thud. Vicky jumped up and stood on the bed in fighting position, kicking Oliver off the bed in the process, who also fell with a loud thud.

And I laughed.

I laughed until I was bent over clutching at my chest. The looks on their faces was priceless. I saw Vicky roll her eyes as she hopped down and helped Oliver up, while Sophie helped herself up. "Oh... my.. aaah. God!" I wheezed as I watched them collect themselves.

"You're a bitch." Oliver grunted as he walked past me and out the room. "Love you!" I yelled to his retrieving figure. He hated anyone who disturbed him during his sleep and it didn't help that he wasn't a morning person either. "Morning sunshines." I said to Sophie and Vicky, smiling at them. Sophie sighed and Vicky smiled at me a bit.

"Why didn't you wake us up like any sane, normal person would?" Sophie asked, rubbing at her elbow, which I assumed she landed on. "I did, though and you people didn't want to wake up." I told her. See? Wasn't lying. "Ugh. I'm going to shower." She said as she stomped away. "Happy Friday." I said to her retrieving figure before I turned back to Vicky.

"You seem better than you were yesterday." Vicky said. "I am better than I was yesterday." I replied, moving into her arms and hugging her. "Thanks for the intervention. I didn't know I needed it that much." I told her, placing my head on my shoulder. "You're very welcome, baby." She said patting my head, before we pulled away.

She looked down at me, smirking. Fuck these hormones, I thought as I cleared my throat and stepped away from her. "I'm going to shower with Sophie." I told her. "Want me to join?" She asked and I felt my face growing hot. "No. We're good." I tell her as I turned around and rushed out, leaving her laughing.

We knew how to fluster and frustrate each other. It was a game of cat and mouse, really.

I squealed when I realized that Friday entailed the doctors appointment. I couldn't think of anything else but seeing my baby and hearing their heartbeat for the first time. Oh my goodness, I couldn't contain how happy I was.

I walked into the doctor's practice, after having a hard time finding it while I drove. I rushed in and went to the reception. "Hey. Appointment for Alexis Reid." I said to the receptionist and she smiled before she checked the system. "Oh you can go right in. Doctor Weber is already waiting." She told me. "Congratulations, by the way." She added and I smiled at her.

I walked in and shut the door. "Dr Weber." I said and she turned around. "Alexis Reid?" She asked and I nodded. "Oh great, welcome." She said as she held out her hand and I shook it. "Ready to see the little one?" She asked as she sanitized the bed and literally almost everything else.

"Nervous but definitely ready." I told her. "Great. Have a seat." She said, smiling at me as she patted the bed. I climbed on the step and sat on the bed, placing my bag next to me. "Thank God you're not wearing a dress. I much prefer jeans and a top or a skirt and a top." She said as she placed everything on a cart and pushed it to me.

"It's easier to lift the top up and do my business. I don't have to see... so much underwear. My wife's already mad at the fact that I look at people's vaginas daily." She added laughing and I joined in. "You can say I thought ahead." I told her and she smiled. "Are we waiting for anyone?" She asked. "Yes actually. Can I call them?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Sure." She said as she excused me and left the room. I dialed Kasey's number and waited for her to pick up. But it went to voicemail. I tried her again and it went to voicemail. What was going on? I asked myself as I tried her number again and it went to voicemail. Honestly, I told my friends to stay home because I thought she would be there.

I ran my hand through my hair, as I repeatedly tried her number. Nothing. I tried until Dr Weber walked in again. "All good?" She asked and I sighed. "She isn't going to show. We can start." I told her, smiling at her to ease the uncomfortability of the situation.

"Right. I'm sorry." She said as she picked a pair of gloves from a box of latex gloves before slipping them of. "It's okay." I said and she nodded. "You can lay back and please lift your shirt up." She said, retrieving a tube of cream. I did as she asked before she started rubbing the cream on my lower stomach.

I shifted a bit, uncomfortable with the coolness of it. "Sorry. It's cold." She said and I shrugged. "I can deal." I told her and she smiled. She placed the monitor on top of the jelly like cream before she began moving it around, observing the screen. I heard a strong dub dub before I abruptly turned my head and looked up to the screen.

"Here we are." She said as I looked at the little kidney shaped blob on the screen. "Oh my God." I said as I felt myself tearing up. "Yup. That's your baby." She went on as she held the monitor still before looking down at me. "That's... wow." I said as I cried.

I swore then and there that I would always put my baby first.

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