London - Hyde Park
Me and Phil were with the other YouTubers but most of the fans just came to see Charlie McDonell. It was a bit overwhelming but I just stayed close to Phil as much as possible. At some point by 6pm, we both ended up becoming bored that when I wasn't looking, Phil quickly bought some McDonalds and we ate by the fountain. It was hours before the march so we had time. As we were eating, I looked at Phil on how the thought of him makes me smile and somehow, I felt safe with him.

"Hey Phil" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Thank you" I asked. "For the food I mean"

"No problem. I can tell you were getting bored so I decided to get some dinner" Phil said.

We both looked at all the other YouTubers having fun while we're like really away from them. It's just the two of us and no one else. I lay my head toward his shoulder and he placed his arm around me.

Later at the Howell Residence
Phil walked me home that very night. The time now is 11:30, we had some time left over. The sky was dark but the moon and stars lit our way as Phil and I had our arm wrapped around each other as we walked to the front door of my house. We were just my door and we talk for a bit before we said goodbye.

"So, I had fun today" I said. "Thanks Phil for inviting me".

"No problem" he said as he smile.

My heart started to skip a beat once I saw that smile. This was the face I never want to stop seeing as I knew from the bottom of my heart, I will keep seeing that smile for the rest of my life. I was about to lean for a kiss but I just gave a hug instead.

War has rose in the apartment as Phil and I had our first fight. Everything was going smoothly till the valentines video became the breaking point in our relationship. This raised questions in the Phandom as we are being asked about our sexuality and our relationship. Due to this, the smile I wished to see became a blurred vision. I can no longer picture it in my head anymore.

"Phil.. This has become a massive problem! Why... Why can't you help solve this!?" I yelled.

"I am!" Phil said. "I worked all night to place that video under my copyright so if anyone uploads it, it will be gone for good! Do you know how hard it was to convince YouTube to accept my appeal to them?!".

"But it wont stop them making those assumptions!" I yelled. "I know it was made for a prank but-"

"A prank?! You think that video was a prank?!" Phil asked.

"Oh don't tell me that video is real" Dan asked.

This is when silence fell in our argument. Was he serious in that video? Was everything there true?! I walked to my room, leaving Phil in the middle in our argument. I closed and locked my door and began to cry. How was I foolish enough to see it?! Why was I so blind to recognise it.

Why didn't I see that Phil loves me....

... And I loved him back.

Why was I blind by my emotions? I knew that I will see him more in the future but why didn't I recognise what my heart was telling me? Why did i thought it was fake? Did Phil showed signs about his affections for me? He did... In the Manchester Eye. We rode there and he was about to hold my hand but I walked away to see the view. The halloween party where I flinched and just gave a hug, I felt his heart beat in a different pace, knowing he wanted something more than just a friendship hug.

I was too blind to see it and it may be too late to fix it.

Days have passed and we just remained as friends. I knew we now have an expiration date and that clock is now ticking to see where it all ends. In my mind, I questioned, why was he still with me? Why am I still staying? So many questions but I'm too afraid to find the answers. Our friendship is tragedy and staying is an insane thing to do.

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