Chapter 5: Uncovering the Truth

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As time went on, San and Y/N's meetings became more frequent. They started to put trust in each other, they often discuss the case in more detail, exchanging ideas and theories about the operation of the trafficking ring.

As San investigated the human trafficking ring, he noticed a pattern in the types of people that Y/N was stealing from. "Y/N, do you only steal from the wealthy business owners who have dealings with children from middle to low-income families?" he asked during one of their secret meetings.

Y/N looked at him with a serious expression. "Yes, I do. I know that some of those children have gone missing without a trace, and I have reason to believe that they were taken by the very people I steal from. By stealing from them, I'm hoping to draw more attention to the case and bring justice for the children who have been taken."

San was surprised by Y/N's answer. He had always assumed that Y/N was just a selfish criminal, but her actions showed that she had a heart for the victims of human trafficking. "I had no idea," he said, feeling a newfound respect for her.

They continued to meet in secret to update each other on their progress. San shared with Y/N the evidence he had gathered, while Y/N provided him with insider information that she had acquired through her criminal connections.

As San delved deeper into the case, he began to feel a sense of unease. He knew that something was off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He started to question his fellow detectives, but none of them seemed to know anything about the trafficking ring. As he continued his investigation, he began to suspect that there was someone on the inside who was helping the traffickers. He couldn't trust anyone, not even his closest colleagues.

Despite his suspicions, San kept his investigation quiet and continued to gather evidence. He spent countless hours poring over files and conducting interviews, hoping to uncover the truth. And then, one day, he found the smoking gun. A file that contained a list of high-ranking officials involved in the ring.

San's heart sank as he realized that his boss, Kim Hongjoong, was on the list. He couldn't believe that someone so high up in the police department would be involved in something so heinous. He felt a sense of betrayal and disgust. How could someone who was supposed to uphold the law be involved in something like this?

San felt his world crumble as he realized the extent of the corruption that had seeped into the police department. Hongjoong had been pulling the strings all along, and even his trusted colleagues Wooyoung had been involved. They had been using their positions of power to keep the trafficking ring under wraps, and to silence anyone who threatened to expose it.

San was torn between his loyalty to the police force and his duty to bring justice to the children who were being exploited. He knew he couldn't sit back and do nothing, but he also knew that confronting Hongjoong and his cronies would be a risky move. He confided in Y/N, seeking her counsel and support.

"I can't believe it," San said, his voice shaking with anger and frustration. "All this time, I thought I was working alongside honest cops who wanted to make a difference. But it turns out they were the ones enabling the trafficking ring."

"I'm so sorry, San," Y/N replied, taking his hand in hers. "But now that you know the truth, you have to act. You have to stop them and save those kids."

San nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "You're right. I can't let this continue. But I need your help. I need someone on the inside who can give me information and help me plan my next move."

Y/N squeezed his hand. "You can count on me. I'll do whatever it takes to help you bring these monsters to justice."

Y/N knew that time was running out for the children who were being trafficked, and she was determined to put an end to it. She had already risked everything to infiltrate the ring, but now with San's help, she had a chance to take them down once and for all.

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