Chapter 8: The Final Stand

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One day, Y/N's phone rang, interrupting their quiet afternoon. She didn't recognize the number, but she answered anyway.

"speak," she said, putting the phone to her ear.

"Y/N, Seonghwa here," a voice said, low and urgent. "I have information about the human trafficking ring."

Y/N's heart started racing. This was it. They had been waiting for a break in the case, and this could be it.

"Okay, tell me everything you know," Y/N said, trying to keep their voice steady.

Seonghwa gave Y/N the location of a warehouse where the key members of the human trafficking ring were supposed to be meeting that night. Y/N scribbled down the details quickly, then hung up the phone.

She immediately called San, who answered on the first ring.

"San, I just got a call from Seonghwa. He has information about the human trafficking ring. We need to move now."

San didn't hesitate. "I'm on my way."

Y/N grabbed her bag, which was always packed with the necessary equipment for a stakeout, and headed out the door. She met San outside and together they drove to the warehouse.


As Y/N and San crouched behind the crates, they watched as the traffickers loaded young girls and boys into the back of a large truck. The sight made Y/N's blood boil. She turned to San, who was scanning the area with his binoculars.

"We have to act fast," Y/N whispered urgently. "We can't let them get away with this."

San nodded in agreement. "I'll take out the guards on the left," he said, gesturing towards a group of men stationed nearby. "You go for HongJoong and Wooyoung."

Y/N nodded and took a deep breath to steady herself. As San moved into position, she crept closer to the truck, trying to get a clear shot of the two men. She saw them laughing and joking with each other as they loaded the last of the children onto the truck.

"You sick bastards," Y/N muttered under her breath, anger building inside of her.

She took out her gun and aimed it at HongJoong. As she prepared to pull the trigger, she heard a rustling noise behind her. She spun around to see two more members of the trafficking ring approaching, their guns drawn.

Y/N quickly ducked behind a crate for cover, but one of the traffickers had already spotted her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he shouted, his voice thick with a foreign accent.

As Y/N quickly ducked behind a crate for cover, one of the traffickers had already spotted her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he shouted, his voice thick with a foreign accent. Y/N quickly put on her best innocent face and replied, "Oh, sorry sir. I'm just looking for my cat. He ran away, and I thought he might have come this way."

The trafficker's demeanor softened as he smiled and tried to help her. "Of course, we can help you look for your cat," he said.

Y/N pretended to search for her cat with the trafficker and a few others, leading them away from the truck. When they were far enough, she turned to them and smirked. "Are you seriously that stupid to believe a girl like me is looking for a cat in the middle of a human trafficking operation?" Y/N taunted, causing the traffickers to realize they had been duped.

As they tried to grab her, Y/N whipped out a small electric buzzer from her pocket and zapped them, making them faint instantly. 


San kept his gun trained on the two men, his eyes flicking back and forth between them. HongJoong glared at him, his jaw clenched in anger. "You think you can just come in here and take us down? You're nothing but a pawn, San. We've been using you to keep an eye on that little girlfriend of yours so she doesn't mess up our operation."

San's eyes narrowed at the mention of Y/N. "What are you talking about?" he growled.

"You heard me," HongJoong sneered. "We knew you had a soft spot for her, so we used it to our advantage. But now it's time for you to see the truth. She's nothing but a nuisance, getting in the way of our profits. You're better off siding with us, San. Think of all the money we could make together."

Wooyoung chuckled darkly, nodding in agreement. "He's right, you know. You're just wasting your time with that girl. But with us, the sky's the limit. You could be a rich man, San."

San's grip on his gun tightened, his anger boiling inside him. "You're both insane," he spat. "I'll never side with scum like you."

HongJoong and Wooyoung exchanged a look, their faces contorted with rage. "Fine then," HongJoong growled. "If that's how it's going to be, we'll just have to take you down too."

As HongJoong and Wooyoung reached for their guns, San quickly fired his weapon, taking out HongJoong's hand before he could grab his firearm. Wooyoung managed to pull out his gun and fired back, but San was able to dodge the bullets and fire back, hitting Wooyoung in the shoulder.

Just as it seemed like San was outnumbered and outgunned, Yunho suddenly burst through the door, gun in hand. "Need some help, San?" he called out.

San nodded in gratitude as Yunho joined the fray, firing his weapon at the remaining members of the trafficking ring. Seonghwa, who had been hiding behind some crates, peered out and saw the chaos unfolding. He couldn't believe that Yunho had actually shown up to help.

At first, Yunho had been skeptical when Seonghwa told him about the operation to take down the trafficking ring. But something in Seonghwa's tone made him think twice. He had decided to come just to be safe, and now he was grateful he had.

The firefight continued, with the sound of gunshots and screams filling the air. But eventually, San and Yunho were able to take down the remaining members of the ring and secure the hostages. Seonghwa emerged from his hiding place, eyes wide in shock at the carnage that had taken place.

"That was insane," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

San and Yunho exchanged a tired but satisfied smile, their mission accomplished. "Let's get these people to safety," San said, motioning towards the hostages. "And call for backup. We need to make sure these guys stay behind bars for a long time."


Meanwhile, Y/N's heart raced as she approached the truck, her mind racing with worry for the children inside. As she got closer, she could hear their faint cries and murmurs. When she finally reached the truck, she climbed up onto the back and peered inside.

The scene that greeted her was heartbreaking. The children were huddled together, wide-eyed and trembling in fear. Some were crying, while others simply stared up at her with blank expressions. Y/N's heart ached for them, and she felt a surge of anger towards the traffickers who had subjected them to such cruelty.

With shaking hands, Y/N reached out to touch one of the children, a little girl with a tear-streaked face. "It's okay," she whispered softly. "You're safe now. We're going to get you out of here."

Y/N quickly checked on the other children, making sure that they were all unharmed. She took a deep breath and turned to face San, who was still engaged in the shootout with HongJoong and Wooyoung. As she watched him, a sense of awe and admiration filled her. She had never seen someone so fearless and determined.

When the gunfire finally died down, Y/N ran over to San, a look of relief and gratitude on her face. "Thank you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Thank you for saving them."

"We did it," she said, a smile spreading across her lips. "We took down the ring."

San smiled back at her, his eyes shining with pride. "We make a good team," he said.

As they looked at each other, a newfound respect and understanding passed between them. Despite their differences, they had come together for a common cause, and in doing so, had forged an unbreakable bond.

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