S1 EP:1 I Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?

Start from the beginning

"So, Harper" Lucas started, scooting closer to her. Harper made a confused face.

"Your mom told me that you dance," Lucas said

Harper nodded

"You must look really good in a leotard"


"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Lucas questioned

"Yeah" Harper spoke

Lucas sighed before stretching his arm across Harper to secure the popcorn bowl. As he did, his limb brushed against her abdomen. Once he had a firm grip on the desired snack, Lucas attempted to retrieve his hand; however, in the process, his fingers caressed Harper's bust before giving it an unintentional squeeze. Upon experiencing this, Harper widened her eyes before beginning to reposition herself away from Lucas by pushing against her brother.

"Sis?" Topher questioned, at the sudden action.

"What's wrong?"

"Um... I'll be upstairs," Harper said, before getting up from the couch. She walked out of the living room.

Harper made sure she was out of sight, before pulling out her phone, only to call her boyfriend

He answered

Griffin: Hey Lovey!

Harper: Griffin, get over here!

Griffin: What's wrong?

Harper: I have to tell you something

Griffin: I don't know if my moms gonna-

Harper: Griffin, please

Griffin: Ok, I'll be over

Griffin: I love you

Harper: I love you too

She hung up

Harper then went up her stairs and walked to her room. She lied on her bed and waited for her boyfriend to get there.


Harper had been biding her time for approximately ten minutes. All the while, she kept rehashing what had happened in the downstairs area. What could possibly have driven Lucas to behave that way? At that moment, her phone vibrated, signaling a text from Griffin informing her that he had arrived. Without hesitation, Harper shot up from her bed and hastily descended the stairs towards the entrance door. She opened it without further ado

"Hi Angel," Griffin said, with a beam

Harper then smiled, before taking her boyfriend's arm, she pulled him inside.

The seventeen-year-olds traversed the stairs, with Griffin noticing Mrs. Dunn, Topher, and an unfamiliar gentleman in the living room. His eyebrow raised slightly out of perplexity before Harper tugged his hand, interlacing their fingers as they ascended the staircase. After making it to the top, they journeyed to Harper's bedroom; shutting the door behind them upon entering.

Harper and Griffin then sat on Harper's bed.

"Who was that guy?" Griffin asked

"He's my mom's boyfriend" Harper answered

"Boyfriend?" Griffin questioned

"I know right? It's so weird" Harper agreed

"Is he the problem?"

Harper nodded

"What happened, Lovey?" Griffin said

"We were sitting on the couch, and the guy, Lucas, reached for the popcorn which was beside me" Harper explained

Griffin nodded

"He reached over me to grab it, but when he did he... touched me"

Griffin's eyes grew wide "What?"

Harper nodded, looking down

"Where did he touch you?" Griffin asked, eagerly

Harper pointed

Griffin's mouth dropped

"I swear to god," Griffin said, gazing upward, before making his way towards the doorway. He paused when he sensed Harper's hand.

"What are you doing?" Harper said, stopping her boyfriend

"I can't just let him do this to you" Griffin clapped back

"You can't make it worse" Harper spoke

"Exactly, that's why we're gonna confront him" Griffin stated

Harper rolled her eyes

"It's going to be alright," Griffin assured his girlfriend, taking her hands in his. "I'm going to discuss it with him." He gently ran his thumbs over her skin.

"And besides what's the worst that can happen"

𝐔𝐩 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝙎𝙊𝙎𝙎 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now