Titans Together

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As Alexis is walking around the woods she notices she is near the outpost Beast boy had told her about and goes inside immediately finding Beast boy and Mas.

"Oh Mas where is your brother." Beast boy says as he hugs Alexis seeing she is ok. Mas then starts talking in Spanish fast.

"Mas slow down I cant listen that fast." Beast boy says.

"Glad he can understand the kid I can even understand what he is saying." Alexis thinks as Pantha then comes over. Mas then speaks in Spanish again.

"No my friend. This brain he sent the wrong opponents to capture me. Pantha remains undefeated. What is this?" Pantha asks as a portal opens up to reveal Herald stepping through it.

"It's the Herald." Beast boy says.

"Good to see we're not alone. I brought someone with me. Alright Jericho it's cool." Herald says as Jericho steps through the portal.

"I'd hope to find the Teen Titans not this. I believe I will be better on my own." Pantha says as she starts walking soon followed by Mas.

"I guess I'll go back to my own dimension." Herald says.

"Stop! Nobody's going anywhere we have to stick together I need all of you with me if we're going to stop the brain. And we are going to stop him. He has us on the run that means the brain will never expect us to take the fight to him." Beast boy says.

"Why should you be in charge?" Pantha asks.

"I've bee fighting these guys longer than any of you. I know what we're up against. Look this may not be the perfect team but it's all we've got. We're the Teen Titans now. If we work together we can accomplish anything. So... what exactly can you guys do?" Beast boy asks.

"My horn opens rifts in space." Herald says.

"I am strong." Pantha says. Mas then speaks in Spanish before giving a sad look. Jericho then smiles and points to his eyes.

"Ok this might be tougher than I thought." Beast boy says.

"We'll you wont have to work with them alone I'll help as much as I can I may not have been leader in my birth pack but I know what it means to be a leader and to lead a team." Alexis says. The group then set a trap using Mas as bait while the others hide until Cinderblock then shows up.

"Titans go!" Beast boy says as the group take down Cinderblock long enough for Jericho to then fade into Cinderblock.

"Whoa." Alexis says.

"Cool." Beast boy says.

"Jericho are you in there?" Herald asks.

"I'm here. He may have bricks for brains but I can see enough. The brotherhood base is in Paris." Jericho says.

"Done." Herald says as he makes a portal to Paris as they make a plan to get in by Jericho being in Cinderblock pretending to have captured Alexis, Pantha, Herald, and Mas while Beast boy stays hidden as a spider.

"This plan of yours I hope it works." Pantha says as the guards open the door and Jericho carries the group inside and puts them down once they are alone. Beast boy then morphs back into his human form as they start walking and start following Mas to find his brother.

"How do we know his brother is here?" Herald asks as Mas then talks in Spanish before continuing walking.

"He said it was a twin thing." Pantha says as they continue following Mas until he stops.

"Dude what's wrong?" Beast boy asks as Mas then talks in Spanish sadly as he starts walking again before stopping and shaking his head.

"We have to keep moving." Beast boy says as Alexis shifts into wolf form while they keep walking.

"Uh why did you transform we aren't fighting?" Jericho asks in Cinderblock.

"My hearing is better in this form and hopefully I can hear where the others are if we get close to where they are." Alexis says as Jericho nods.

"Stop. Some one is coming." Pantha says as they go back to how they got into the place as a disguise as four guy come running over.

"Cinderblock there about to freeze Robin hurry or you'll miss it. By the way nice catch sir." One guy says as Jericho follows them.

"Thanks." Jericho says as the four guys then stop.

"Since when have you been able to talk? Sir?" The guy asks before Jericho then gets out of Cinderblock and lets Alexis and the others go as they then take down the group of guys.

"Let's move. Alright brain your going down." Beast boy says as they get into the room where all the villains as the villains start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Beast boy asks.

"The six of you against all of them even I find that amusing." Madame Rouge says.

"Tell me where our friends are." Beast boy says.

"Little green one you always try so hard and always fail so completely and this time will be no exception." Brain says.

"Where are they!?" Beast boy asks.

"Would you like to say hello?" Madame Rouge asks as she gestures to there friends on shelves frozen.

"No." Beast boy says.

"Oh but its seems you are too late." Madame Rouge says.

"I think we can take them." Beast boy says as he turns into a dinosaur.

"I think you are correct." Pantha says as they start fighting but soon start to loose because of the number of villains.

"Did you actually think your pathetic resistant's could stop what I have created? Once again Beast boy you failed. Madame Rouge add them to the collection." Brain says as Madame Rouge then grabs Beast boy.

"Any final words?" Madame Rouge asks.

"Yea I wouldn't stand there if I were you." Beast boy says as he notices the ground crumbling under Madame Rouge's feet and morphs into a fly getting away from her. Cyborg then comes up out of the ground with Kole and Knark where Madame Rouge was sending her flying.

"Lesson number one. Never throw me down a hole unless you make sure I stay there." Cyborg says as Starfire then bursts through the roof with Bumble Bee and the Russian guy.

"The lesson two. We never give up." Starfire says

"Lesson three your secret lair isn't very secret." Raven says as she comes in with Tethers, Timmy, Melvin, and Bobby.

"Titans together!" Beast boy says as they start fighting and releasing there friends in the process while using the machine to freeze villians until all are frozen except for the brain.

"You know for someone so smart bringing all these guys together was pretty stupid." Cyborg says as Robin tosses Beast boy the brain.

"Dudes check it out brain freeze." Beast boy says as he freezes the brain and laughs earning a groan from everyone.

*Time skip*

"Home sweet home." Beast boy say as they get back to the Tower.

"I sure miss this place." Cyborg says.

"Cool pad. Got any eats?" Kid flash asks as he runs around the room while the other Titans sit around as the crime alert then goes off showing Doctor Light robbing a bank.

"The doctor light." Starfire says.

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Raven says as they head over to where Doctor Light is with the other Titans.

"Maybe we outta show him who he's up against." Cyborg says.

"He's totally gonna freak this time." Raven says.

A New Titan Teen Titans Beast Boy X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now