Divivde and Conquer

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You know Cinderblock normal the bad guys break out of jail not." Beast says as he, Alexis, and the others arrive at a facility to stop Cinderblock.

"And I can think of five good reasons why you don't wanna break in. One." Robin says as he jumps forward.

"Two." Starfire says.

"Three." Beast Boy says.

"Four." Alexis says.

"Five." Raven says.

"Six." Cyborg says.

"No matter how you do the math it all adds up to you going down. So are you going to go quietly?" Robin asks.

"Or is this gonna get loud?" Cyborg asks as Cinderblock then charges.

"Titans go!" Robin says as they all then attack Cinderblock. After a little while Cinderblock grabs Starfire.

"I am sorry to disappoint you but I am stronger than I look." Starfire says as she then breaks loose from Cinderblock. Beast Boy then turns into a T rex and attacks Cinderblock but gets sent flying back into Alexis and Raven as they're about to attack.

"Whatch out for falling dinosaurs. I'm gonna leave you two alone now." Beast Boy says as he gets an irritated look from Raven and Alexis and runs off. Robin then jumps and grabs onto Cinderblock making him thrash around trying to knock Robin off.

"Thrashing only makes me hold tighter. Robin says as he then jumps off of Cinderblock as Cinderblock was about to hit him with an iron log.

"Now there's an idea." Cyrborg says as he grabs an iron log and starts attacking Cinderblock before Cinderblock hits him sending him back. Starfire then melts the iron log as Cinderblock is about to attack her and Raven. Cinderblock then runs off as Robin helps Cyborg up.

"Wanna give this guy the sonic boom?" Robin asks.

"I got the sonic if you got the boom." Cyborg says as he prepares his blaster.

"Yo rock head!" Cyborg yells as Cinderblock then stops to turn and see Robin and Cyborg running after him to do there combined move but the two mess up and instead there attacks hit Alexis, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven allowing Cinderblock to run away bashing through cell walls and prisoners running loose.

"Think again." Raven says as she blocks the exit off so prisoners cant escape.

"Jail break I don't see any jail break." Beast Boy says as police take the prisoners back to the cells.

"None of us would of see one if Cyborg hadn't messed up." Robin says.

"Me? I messed up nothing. You got in my way!" Cyborg says.

"You were too far forward and Cinderblock got away because of it." Robin says.

"You saying this is my fault!!?" Cyborg yells.

"Want me to say it again!?" Robin asks as he and Cyborg glare at each other.

"Stop no more mean talking." Starfire says as she gets between Cyborg and Robin.

"Yea if you two are gonna fight we need time to sell tickets." Beast Boy says as Alexis places a hand on his shoulder and gently shakes her head at him.

"Cinderblock escaped no amount of yelling will change that so stop acting like idiots and lets go home." Raven says. Cyborg and Robin then growl at each other before walking off in different directions.

"Loser." Robin says.

"Jerk." Cyborg says.

"What did you say!?" Cyborg and Robin yell as they stop and turn around and face each other.

A New Titan Teen Titans Beast Boy X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now