The End Pt 1

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As Alexis goes into the kitchen she sees Raven cooking breakfast and go over to the others.

"Morning. Pancakes?" Raven asks holding a plate full of pancakes.

"Uh..thanks." Beast boy says.

"What is the occasion?" Starfire asks.

"Can't I just do something nice for my friends?" Raven asks.

"Um yea but.." Cyborg says.

"You never have before." Beast boy says.

"Guess there's a first time for everything." Beast boy says as he, Starfire, Alexis, Cyborg, and Robin all try the pancakes and soon they each except for Starfire spit them out.

"Don't you think its nice of Raven to make us breakfast." Robin says.

"Even though the girl has no idea how to cook. Oops did I say that out loud. Yum!" Cyborg says.

"Burnt on the outside yet runny on the outside just like the incinerated gogaroaches of my home world. More please. What a glorious way to start the day." Starfire says as she is eating her pancakes with mustard as everyone then gives her their pancakes.

"So I was thinking after breakfast you guys wanna you hang out or something?" Raven asks as an alarm then goes off.

"It'll have to wait." Robin says as they go into town and find Plasmas.

"Plasmas it's just Plasmas." Raven says.

"Yea but he's still as ugly as ever." Beast boy says. The group soon manage to get Plasmas back to his human state and then him go right back to his other state. After a while of fighting Plasmas the group is able to defeat him thanks to Raven.

"Uh nice work Raven." Robin says.

"Who wants pizza?" Raven asks as the group then head to the pizza place. After a while the group soon only leave one slice of pizza left.

"I deserve the last slice I was covered in goo." Cyborg says.

"No way dude I totally deserve the last slice I got sneezed on." Beast boy says.

"I flew through the goo the slice is mine." Starfire says as the guys give her the last slice.

"Your awfully quiet." Robin says.

"Just enjoying hanging out with my friends." Raven says as the group then go for a walk.

"Dude find a penny pick it up something something good luck its my lucky day." Beast boy says dancing as he found a penny making Alexis laugh.

"Anyone up for a game of extreme stank ball after lunch?" Cybrog asks holding a stinky ball of clothes.

"Yea sure." Raven says.

"But you hate anything extreme.. or stanky." Beast boy says.

"Maybe I never gave it a chance." Raven says.

"Raven would you still have time to join me and Alexis in the painting of the toe nails later today." Starfire asks.

"Sounds like fun." Raven says.

"Okay Raven what gives? Pancakes? Pizza? Stank ball? Toenails?" Robin asks.

"Yea and she hasn't called me stupid all day. Did someone replace Raven with a Raven robot?" Beast boy asks.

"I just want everyone to have a nice day today. Come on we have a lot to do before sunset." Raven says as the sun then turns dark and it goes to nighttime and Raven starts acting strangely.

"What's going on?" Beast Boy asks.

"Raven. Why didn't you tell us." Robin says as Raven falls to the ground with the mark of scath on her body and everyone runs over to her.

A New Titan Teen Titans Beast Boy X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now