Calling all Titians

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"Finally after months of fighting the brotherhood of evil we're heading back to the Tower. First I'll play mega moneys 4.2 then I'll eat a tofu burger or maybe I'll eat a tofu burger then play mega monkeys 4.2 or I could eat a tofu burg while playing mega monkeys 4.2." Beast boy says as they're flying in their flying craft.

"Sorry Beast boy but that tofu burger will have to wait. We've got one last mission before we can go home. The brotherhood of evil is targeting young heroes. There are still others who need to be warned." Robin says as he gives the team communicators to give to other heroes.

"Haven't we already given these things to everyone we know. Titans East have them. Kohl, The Knark, Kid Flash, Tram the fish boy, the Russian dude-" Beast boy then gets cut off by Robin.

"Not everyone. Your coordinates have been programmed into your pods. We'll meet back here once there delivered and we'll fly home together." Robin says.

"Cant we just send them a letter instead?" Beast boy asks.

"If we split up we can get this done faster." Robin says.

"And the faster we finish the faster we can go home." Cyborg says.

"Maybe it's better if we stick together. I've been fighting those guys most of my life and I'm telling you you can never underestimate the brotherhood of evil's evilness." Beast boy says.

"This is the best way." Robin says.

"Robin is correct I wish to make with the haste so I can see Silkie." Starfire says.

"Yes I'd like to get home quickly as well so I can see Jewel." Alexis says.

"Lets just get this over with." Raven says.

"Once all the Titans and honorary Titans around the globe are connected we'll be ready. Anything goes wrong I'm just a call away. Titans separate." Robin says separating the pods as the groups heads to their destinations. Alexis then soon arrives finding Thunder and Lighting she was told to warn.

"Hello again white one." Thunder says as Alexis then explains why she is there and gives them a communicator before leaving.

"Robin I have given Thunder and Lightning have been given a communicator I will see you and the others soon." Alexis says calling Robin on her communicator before leaving in her pod. Alexis then receives a test call like the other before hearing they can head home. Alexis then heads back to their meeting point.

"I've got all of you in my sights. We should be in range soon." Robin says.

"And soon we'll be home sweet home. Tofu burger here I come." Beast boy says.

"Wait a second." Robin says.

"Not again." Beast boy says.

"Robin is everything ok?" Starfire asks.

"Don't tell me we're not going home." Beast boy says.

"I'm sorry Beast boy but we just got an SOS." Robin says.

"Stafire fly back and help Argent." Starfire says.

"Argent I will be there as soon as I can." Starfire says as she starts to fly back.

"If she's in trouble maybe we should all go and help her." Beast boy says.

"No I just got another SOS. Aqualad is in trouble. Beast boy I need you to go to Sector seven.. uh we got an SOS in Sector thirteen and one in Sector twenty seven. Calling all titans prepare for battle." Robin says as he starts sending Alexis and the others to help other Titans. As Alexis heads to help Thunder and Lightning she runs into Cinderblock and See-more. Alexis then manages to take down them both as she then notice she is too late to help Thunder and Lightning. Alexis then tries calling Cyborg and Starfire for help but gets no response as she notices her communicator then self destructs.

"Lovely. Now what do I do?" Alexis asks herself as she starts walking.

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