The End Pt 3

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As Alexis and the others meet up they begin to realize they cant beat their negative doubles.

"I hate to say it but four eyes has a point my but can't take much more kicking." Beast boy says.

"It can and it will. We must keep the Trigon occupied." Starfire says.

"Then so long as those all seeing eyes are looking at us he wont go looking for Robin." Cyborg says.

"Wanna bet." Negative Cyborg says as he blasts Cyborg. Negative Starfire then goes and tells Trigon what the group is trying to do.

"I know." Trigon says.

"He knows?" Beast boy asks.

"He knows he's just been toying with us." Cyborg says.

"I was aware of this rescue mission before your small minds had even conceived it and I've known from the beginning that your plan presents no threat. You fail to comprehend the depth of my power and you fail to apprehend the departure of your friend. Some relic of my daughter may exist but the Raven you know is lost forever." Trigon says. The group then go back to fighting their negative doubles until they meet up again.

"Dude I had no idea I was this tough." Beast boy says.

"Your not. I could kick your butt any day of the week." Cyborg says.

"If we cannot defeat ourselves perhaps we can defeat each other.

"Switch!" Beast boy and Cyborg yell as Cyborg goes for negative Beast Boy, Alexis goes for negative Cyborg, Stafire goes for negative Alexis, and Beast boy goes for negative Starfire. The group soon defeat the negative doubles and the doubles return to the bodies they came from.

"Told you I could kick your butt." Cyborg says as Trigon then comes over.

"Um he's coming over here I really don't like that he's coming over here." Beast boy says.

"Your victory has no meaning you merely prolonged your suffering. The rule of mortals has ended this world belongs to me!" Trigon says as he summons a bunch of fire monsters.

"Run!" Cyborg yells as they run. As the group get knocked down to the group by the fire monsters they then notice Robin is back.

"Robin!" Starfire says.

"Dude your alive!" Beast boy says as they go running over to Robin and then notice a little girl who looks like Raven in a white cloak.

"Raven?" Cyborg asks. Robin then explains about Raven.

"So her powers are gone? She really can't help us?" Cyborg asks.

"At least we still got that ring of Azar thingy so Trigon cant- oh crud." Beast boy says as he sees the ring is broken.

"This is it one final attack him or us. All or nothing. This is your story Raven and I'm not sure what happens next. I know it seems hopeless but I believe that when the time is right you will know what to do." Robin says as Trigon then finds them.

"What strange vermin cower beneath my rocks?" Trigon asks.

"Now!" Robin says.

"I have endured your existence long enough." Trigon says as Alexis and the others attack him until Trigon knocks them unconscious.

"You may have created me but you were never my father." Raven says as Alexis and the others wake up to Raven being back to her old age and her attacking Trigon.

"Fathers are kind. Fathers protect you. Fathers raise you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. They are my family. This is my home and you are not welcome here. Azarath metrion zinthos!" Raven yells as she destroys her father and returns the world back to normal.

"Raven that was-" Starfire then gets cut off by Cyborg.

"Unbelievable." Cyborg says.

"No it wasn't. Somebody believed." Raven says as she hugs Robin.

"Welcome back." Robin says.

"Ok your freaking me out here. The white robe and smile are weird enough but hugs! Are you still you?" Beast boy asks.

"Blue is still my favorite color and don't get used to the smile cause your still not funny." Raven says as Beast boy then hugs her.

"Raven." Beast boy says.

"Quit it." Raven says as the group then head back to the tower.

"All right y'all four eyes is history all his ghoulies are gone and we just saved the whole dang universe. Who wants french toast?" Cyborg asks.

"Oh yes me please. I shall consume them with gravy and the butter of peanuts." Starfire says.

"And I've got enough tofu bacon for everybody who wants it." Beast boy says.

"So just enough for you?" Cyborg asks.

"Exactly." Beast boy says as Starfire takes the bacon and tries to be funny with it.

"Slade got away?" Raven asks.

"If he ever shows his face again we'll be ready." Robin says.

"How do you do it Robin?" Raven asks.

"Do what?" Robin asks.

"Keep hoping after everything that happened. After everything I did how did you manage to still hope it would all work out?" Raven asks.

"Because of you. You don't realize it Raven but your the most hopeful person I've ever met. From the day you were born they said you were evil. Created to do unspeakable things. But you wished for more. You dared to hope that you could be a hero." Robin says.

"I thought it was all over. And now suddenly." Raven says.

"You have your whole life ahead of you. You can decide your own destiny." Robin says.

"I guess in the end there really is no end just new beginnings. So what's the deal are we having a party in here or not?" Raven asks as she then heads over to Alexis.

"Alexis I wanted to thank you." Raven says.

"For what?" Alexis asks.

"For being there even when I didn't want you to be. I'm glad I've got a friend like you." Raven says.

"Your welcome Raven." Alexis says.

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