Clouds of Pain

80 24 7

I walk through the fog
Misty clouds blinding my way
I see nothing but white around me
Is the fog here to stay

I part my lips, then cry out for help
Feeling cold and alone in the mist
I had no one to trust but myself
No one left to lead me through all I've dealt

I step further into the mist
Slowly losing my way
Turning away from the right path
Leaving the rugged path astray

I gaze into the distance with squinted eyes
Hoping to see something real
The mist starts to fade out of sight
Showing me the final reveal

There were two paths on opposite sides
One going left and the other going right
With two signs pointing to each one
Which road will lead me back into the light

The left sign said "Victory"
While the other said "Peace"
Both appeared to be good options
But which path will truly satisfy me

Do I wish to walk into endless victory
Or do I want to settle for serene peace
I decided to choose neither path
Because my path is always up to me

I must continue through my journey in life
Unsure of what I'll find along the way
Or the horrors that I'll encounter and see
I have what it takes to conquer the strife
Facing life and it's struggles is the key

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