Blossom Friendship

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It was a typical day at the University of Marrakesh, with the scorching sun beating down on the campus and students rushing to make it to their classes. Ferdaws, a small and cute student with a quiet voice, was walking to her next lecture with her head down, lost in thought. She was thinking about her classmate, Zohir, who sat next to her in their anthropology class.

Ferdaws had always found it hard to judge distances and personal space, and Zohir was the only one in class who didn't seem to mind her quirks. Sometimes, Ferdaws would be inches away from Zohir's face, and at other times, she would be miles too far, lost in her own world. Zohir, on the other hand, had a menacing face, but in reality, he was a kind boy with an imagination that could run wild at times.

As they entered the classroom, Ferdaws and Zohir took their seats next to each other, and the lecture began. Ferdaws was struggling to pay attention, lost in her own thoughts, and Zohir could tell. He reached over and picked up her eraser that had fallen on the floor. Ferdaws misinterpreted his gesture as a sign of friendship and beamed at him.

From that moment on, Ferdaws was convinced that she and Zohir were best friends. She would constantly turn to him during class, whispering her thoughts and ideas, and Zohir would nod along, listening intently. Even during breaks, when the other students would go off in groups to grab a bite to eat, Ferdaws would stick by Zohir's side, eager to spend time with her new friend.

Zohir, too, was starting to enjoy Ferdaws's company. He had always found her antics endearing, and now that they were spending more time together, he was discovering that she was quite funny and charming. Despite his initial misgivings about her, he was beginning to see her in a new light.

As the weeks passed, Ferdaws and Zohir's friendship continued to blossom. They would sit together in class, work on projects together, and even study together at the library. Ferdaws would often get distracted by something she saw outside the window or a thought that popped into her head, and Zohir would patiently wait for her to come back to reality.

One day, while they were walking back to their dorms after class, Ferdaws suddenly stopped in her tracks. Zohir turned to see what had caught her attention and saw that she was staring at a poster for the Zamla Cure Mission, an organization that provided medical care to remote villages in Morocco.

"What is it?" Zohir asked, curious.

"I've always wanted to go on a mission like that," Ferdaws said dreamily. "To help people in need and make a real difference in the world."

Zohir was taken aback. Ferdaws had always seemed so flighty and distracted; he had never imagined that she would be interested in something so noble and selfless. "Do you really want to do it?" he asked.

Ferdaws nodded eagerly. "Yes, I do. But I don't know how to go about it."

Zohir grinned. "Leave it to me," he said. "I know just the person who can help us."

And so, Zohir took Ferdaws to meet his cousin, Farid, who was a doctor and had been on several medical missions in the past. Farid was impressed with Ferdaws's enthusiasm and passion, and he agreed to take them both on the next Zamla Cure Mission.

Ferdaws and Zohir spent the next few weeks preparing for the

mission. They attended training sessions, got their vaccinations, and learned basic medical procedures. Ferdaws was nervous, but she was also excited to be doing something meaningful with her life.

When the day of the mission finally arrived, Ferdaws and Zohir were filled with a sense of purpose. They boarded a small plane with the rest of the medical team and flew to a remote village in the Atlas Mountains. The village was only accessible by foot, so they had to hike for several hours to reach it.

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