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Because the bodies of those with Zamla gradually crystalize and become a new source of infection at the time of death, in many countries, the Infected are subject to persecution under regimes of segregation and forced labor. Those who were oppressed by the governments are starting to rebel. Sale Island, a pharmaceutical company researching a cure for Zamla, takes up their arms and starts a conquest trying to save all the people from the disease.

In the middle of all of this a war broke out in Morocco that pitted the protagonist Hicham against the antagonist Youssef and divided the country. Hicham became dependent on Youssed, but slowly the police and government began losing control of Youssef to criminals known as Katala." . When you reach your character limit Ill insert a dot into the conversation so you can continue writing

In the midst of the chaos, Hicham found himself torn between his loyalty to his country and his personal connection to Youssef. Hicham had grown up with Youssef, and they had been close friends for years. However, as the war continued, Youssef's actions became increasingly erratic and brutal, causing Hicham to question his allegiance.

One day, Hicham received a message from Sale Island, requesting his assistance in their quest to find a cure for Zamla. Hicham had always been interested in science, and he saw this as an opportunity to make a positive impact in the world. He agreed to help Sale Island and began working with their team of scientists.

As Hicham worked on the cure, he discovered that the key ingredient was located in an area that was currently controlled by Youssef and the Katala. Hicham knew that it would be dangerous to go into enemy territory, but he was determined to find the ingredient and help save the people suffering from Zamla.

With the help of a small team of Sale Island scientists, Hicham set out on his mission. They traveled deep into enemy territory, avoiding Katala checkpoints and using their scientific expertise to navigate the treacherous terrain.

After several days of travel, Hicham and his team finally reached the location where the ingredient was located. However, they were ambushed by a group of Katala soldiers, who had been tipped off about their mission.

Hicham and his team were outnumbered and outgunned, but they refused to give up. They fought bravely, using their scientific knowledge to create makeshift weapons and explosives. In the end, they were able to defeat the Katala soldiers and secure the ingredient they needed.

As they made their way back to Sale Island, Hicham realized that he had found his true calling. He had always been torn between his loyalty to his country and his desire to help others, but now he saw that the two were not mutually exclusive. He could use his scientific knowledge to make a real difference in the world.

When Hicham returned to Rabat, he found that the war was still raging on. Youssef had become even more brutal, and the people were suffering under his regime. However, Hicham knew that he couldn't give up. He had to use his knowledge and his connections to help bring an end to the war and bring peace to the people of Rabat.

Hicham joined forces with the rebels who were fighting against Youssef and the Katala. Using his scientific knowledge, he helped them develop new weapons and strategies to defeat the enemy. He also used his connections with Sale Island to secure supplies and support for the rebels.

Despite facing incredible danger and opposition, Hicham and the rebels continued their fight. They launched several successful attacks on Youssef's forces, gradually gaining ground and support from the people. Finally, after months of fighting, they were able to defeat Youssef and his army.

With the war finally over, Hicham turned his attention back to the issue of Zamla. Using the ingredient he had secured from enemy territory, he and the Sale Island scientists were able to develop a cure for the disease. They distributed the cure to the people of Rabat, and slowly but surely, the effects of Zamla began to recede.

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