Trapped in a Game and I

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At the banquet to celebrate the end of the academy's winter term, the crown prince and Rachid childhood friend, Nizar Klawti Mellouli, publicly annuls his engagement and announces that he is in love with Khadija, the game's female protagonist. Aware of the tragic future ahead of her and determined to change it, the young girl resolves to conquer the game's final boss, the "Snake King" and Nizar's half-brother, Tarek, by making him fall in love with her instead.

With time running out, can Khadija succeed with her plans, or will she remain bound to the ill-fated ending that awaits her? " .

It was a damp and dreary day in Marrakesh, with a dense fog hanging low over the crowded markets and narrow alleyways. I found myself in a small cafe, sipping on a piping hot cup of mint tea and scribbling away in my notebook. The air was thick with the sounds and smells of the bustling city, and I was lost in thought as I tried to piece together the strange and surreal story that had landed in my lap.

I had received a tip from an anonymous source about a young girl named Khadija, who had spent most of her life confined to a hospital room. With nothing but her otome games to keep her company, she had become obsessed with the worlds and characters within, living out her fantasies and escaping from the harsh reality of her illness. But one day, something incredible had happened. Khadija had found herself transported into one of her games, taking on the role of the villainess, Jamila Dautriche.

As I sat there scribbling away, lost in thought, I heard a commotion outside the cafe. I looked up to see a young woman running down the street, her long black hair flying behind her. She was dressed in a flowing red dress, and her eyes were wild with excitement and fear.

Without thinking, I leapt up from my table and dashed out into the street after her. She ran for several blocks before finally stopping in front of a tall, ornate building. I caught up to her and she turned to face me, her chest heaving with exertion.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"My name is Khadija," she said, her voice trembling. "I need your help. I'm trapped in a game, and I need to find a way out."

I raised an eyebrow. "Trapped in a game?"

"Yes," she said, nodding earnestly. "It's a long story, but I need to find the Snake King and make him fall in love with me, so I can change the course of the game."

I shook my head in disbelief. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll help you if I can. Where do we start?"

Khadija led me into the building, which turned out to be an ancient library filled with dusty tomes and ancient manuscripts. We spent hours poring over the books, trying to piece together the clues that would lead us to the Snake King.

Eventually, we found a cryptic passage that seemed to hold the key to our quest. It read:

"Seek ye the serpent in the palace of the sun,

Where the sands of time run and run.

Beware the treacherous waters of the Nile,

For only the pure of heart may pass this trial."

I looked at Khadija, feeling more confused than ever. "What does it mean?"

"I think it means we have to go to the palace of the sun," she said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "That's where the Snake King is hiding."

We set off at once, making our way through the crowded streets of Marrakesh and into the desert beyond. We traveled for days, surviving on nothing but dates and camel's milk, until we finally arrived at the edge of a vast, shimmering oasis.

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