Symphonia (with music comes unity)

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Hey guys if you read my author's note of the main ending I mentioned a Collab book between me and 2 of my friends.

It's titled Symphonia (with music comes unity). It's about a group of kids that are trying to reunite music in a world called Symphonia.

Basically the world had been split up into multiple districts. For example the classical distric(a distric for classy music), the rock district(a distric for rock music), pop district(a district for pop music) and ect.

A group of kids that came from each one of those districts want music to be united and not separated.

Each year a competition would take place and the winning district would be made the best district for the rest of the year. The humas(that world's version of humans) are the judges of these competitions.

But soon Symphonia's government found out about what the kids are trying to do. So now not only do they have to somehow reunite Symphonia but also try to not get caught or captured by the government.

Will they reunite Symphonia?
Will they be captured by the government?
Or..... Will something worse happen to the group?

Read the book yourself and find out.

It's at vivzz23 profile.

New Life (scp reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora