Part 58 (reality anchor)

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Y/N Pov:

After the discussion with A'habbat, she told me I should keep the scepter with me and after I was allowed to go back home.......

Y/N:(sigh of relief)"it's good to be back"

I went back to the foundation.

I appeared out of nowhere and was back in my containment cell.

There were 3 researchers in my cell for some reason. And 10 guards were there too.

When they saw me it looked like a few of them expected it. The others on the other hand were shocked.

And I also realized that one of the guards and researchers were Johnson and Bright.

Doctor Bright:"hey Y/N!"

Y/N:"oh hey Bright. Hey Johnson."

Johnson:"you're finally back."


After explaining to the other members of staff of the SCP foundation on what was going on all of them went away but a few of them tried to argue before going away.

Bright and Johnson told me that it was currently 4 p.m. and that the next meeting with the other SCPs take place in 4 more days.

We all chatted a little bit and after a while they told me that they had to go and tell the 05s about my return.

I started reading a few books and started doing other stuff in my containment cell until it was night and I could go to bed.

After I went to sleep....

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N your back"

Y/N:"hey 990/Richard"

SCP 990/Richard:"I heard that you stole the scepter. You should be careful with it."

Y/N:"don't worry I will"

SCP 990/Richard:"also you might want to be careful with the 05s"


SCP 990/Richard:"I heard about them trying to find a way to stop you from using your powers all the time and teleporting out of your containment cell"

Y/N:"well if that's true that is definitely a problem......"

SCP 990/Richard:"yes it is. But whether it's true or not you should still be careful."

Y/N:"got it"

SCP 990/Richard:"good. But there is something else I'd like to tell you."


SCP 990/Richard:"I heard a romour that someone in the foundation is actually a traitor. Also it is most likely the traitor is apart of the children of the scarlet king cult."

Y/N:"great....... Another thing for my to worry about......."

SCP 990/Richard:"yes..... But you shouldn't let that stop you. You should stand up stronger than ever before and show them exactly what they're dealing with!"

Y/N:"yeah... But I'm still pretty worried about it....."

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N you have fought many enemies and opponents..... Some traitor isn't going to stand a chance against you."

Y/N:"thanks 990/Richard"


After a 2 days of relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet. Johnson came into my containment cell and told me that the 05s wanted to see me. I didn't know why but then I remembered what 990/Richard said.... I immediately felt tensed.

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