Part 59 (I... I C-CAN USE MY P-POWERS!?)

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Y/N pov:

After the meeting with the 05s and getting put back in my containment cell......

I was pacing around my cell for hours thinking of how in going to get this reality anchor off me.

At some point I'm going to have to defeat the scarlet king. One way or another. But there's no way I can defeat him like this!

I might be powerful but if I compare my full power with the scarlet king's full power, there's no way for me to defeat him without having someone help me or getting more powerful. And in this state I'm basically an ant now compared to him!

I spend hours trying to find a way to solve this problem but the options I have are limited. For example I could ask 343 to get the reality collar off me but I can't teleport anymore and I don't know when I'll see him next time either.

I wanted to stay awake further and think of a possible solution but it was already night now and I had less energy than before so I decided to go to sleep and if I see 990/Richard is there waiting for me.

I got into my bed and began to fall asleep.

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N welcome back"(doesn't notice the reality anchor)

Y/N:"hey 990/Richard....."

SCP 990/Richard:"What's wrong?"

Y/N:"well......"(shows him the reality anchor)

SCP 990/Richard:"!? What happened!?"

After calming him down I started explaining what had happened. From when the 05s ask me to see them to when they allowed me to leave the 05s' meeting room.

After the explanation was done he had a look of shock, confusion and concern on his face. But I honestly can't blame him. After all he and 343/God were the ones that wanted me to fight the scarlet king and end this war for them.

I honestly also fell just as scared as he does. At any moment the scarlet king could arrive here and end our world, and without my powers he can probably just crush me like an ant with his foot.

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N.... this is really bad......"

Y/N:"I know..... And I'm pretty sure most of it is the 05s fault!"

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N they don't know about the situation at hand..... so you can't just blame them like that...."

Y/N:"I know.... But..... I just feel so angry at them! If it wasn't for them I could probably get more information on the scarlet king or weaken him more right now!"

SCP 990/Richard:"Y/N!!!"


SCP 990/Richard suddenly shouted my name. When I looked around I saw my flames around me!


I couldn't believe it! My powers were activated and my flames were still around me. I guess I was so angry that I didn't even notice.


SCP 990/Richard:"hmm...... ! I think I know how your able to use your powers Y/N!"

Y/N:"WHAT!? HOW!?"

SCP 990/Richard:"when your really powerful sometimes the reality anchors only partially effect you. Which means you can use your powers but not to it's full extent. Or to put it simple you can use your powers but it'll take more energy to use them and your powers won't be as powerful as before. But as soon as you get rid of the reality anchor your full powers would immediatly return."

Y/N:"so I can use me powers as usual?"

SCP 990/Richard:"yes, but there might be some powers that you can't use completely"

Y/N:"well...... What now......?"

SCP 990/Richard:"don't worry I'll take care of your reality anchor issue. Just don't tell anyone and don't do anything dangerous."

Y/N:"got it"

After I woke up I wanted to try and use my powers right now but since there's a security camera in my containment cell I couldn't try using my powers without the foundation finding out.

I decided to train I bit without my powers in my containment cell just to see the difference between training with and without powers.

I did a few push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, running and etc. After about 30 minutes I started feeling tired already.

Y/N:"(ugh..... Now I really wish I had my full powers back......)

When I had my full powers I was able to train for hours without getting tired but now I can't even train for an hour without feeling exhausted.

I decided to rest and take a break and continue my powerless training later.

Author's note: hey guys I hope you enjoy part 59 and that you have a wonderful day/night.

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