Chapter 1 - The upcoming storm

Start from the beginning

Hiro and Satoru looked at Ichika. Both were saddened, but the father managed to keep a serious face. Eito disappeared without a trace a year ago. The police searched for him everywhere, but found nothing. Ichika was the one who suffered the most. Despite trying to be strong for her family, she feels a great sadness and emptiness in her heart. The father decided to break the silence.
- Ichika, we all miss Eito. But you must be strong. The police never denied that he's still alive. Eito wouldn't have died so easily. I'm sure he'll come back home sooner or later. Until then, we have to endure and prepare for his return - he said firmly. It seemed as if a completely different person was speaking.
- How can you be so sure?! - a tear rolled down her cheek. - If Eito is alive, why hasn't he said anything? He didn't send any letters, didn't call. He was always thoughtful and didn't allow anyone to worry about him. Why is he behaving like this now, what happened to him?! - Ichika's eyes began to fill with tears.
Hiro got up from the bed and approached his depressed sister, hugging her.
- I know how hard it is for you. Everyone deals with it in their own way. We try to live normally so as not to bring a sad atmosphere into the house. Eito would scold me if he found out I was making you feel down. I think the same way as Dad. Maybe we don't know what's happening to him, but I know he's alive. We'll see him again.
To Hiro, Eito was an older brother. They were five years apart and he was always a role model for him. He missed him very much, but he never allowed himself to think he was dead. In his heart, he felt his presence somewhere far away.
- I know how much you miss him. I promise I'll find him for you - brother wiped away his sister's tears. - Now get ready for school, we'll be late soon. He would definitely be upset if he heard that we weren't at school on time. Besides, I don't want Mom's pancakes to get cold - Ichika shook herself and nodded, then left the room.

- Remember that you have to support her the most. She won't tell me everything, but after Eito's disappearance, she poured all her feelings onto you. She watches over you and cares for you with all her heart. She stopped being daddy's little girl a long time ago. The responsibility of protecting her falls on you. Don't forget that. - Satoru began to leave the room when son replied.
- I promise you that I will protect her at the cost of my life. I will find Eito and have a frank conversation with him about why he left us without explanation.
When Hiro promised his sister to find older brother, he was already sketching a travel plan in his head. His fantasy was interrupted by his father.
- Be careful with promises. Never make ones you can't keep - father said in a calm yet serious tone.
- Do you think I'm not capable of protecting my own sister? - boy replied.
- You should come to that conclusion yourself, but let me tell you something. This isn't about your sister, me, or Mom, and it's not even about Eito. You're sensitive and would give your life for your loved ones, but you must be careful with promises. Their weight can overwhelm you. Promise what you want, but keep in mind that death is not enough to fulfil a given word. I believe in you; otherwise, I would never entrust Ichika's safety to you - Satoru, standing with his back to his son, turned around. - Give Eito a good kick; someone like him shouldn't pull such stunts on us. - The father smiled and raised his thumb in Hiro's direction. The son smiled and nodded.
- Alright, now I'm going to eat your portion of pancakes while they're still warm! First come, first served! - Satoru ran out of the room, leaving the door open.
- Wait, what?! What time is it? - he looked at the electric clock next to his bed. – Shimatta! (damn it!). He won't only eat my pancakes, but I will also be late for school.
The clock showed 8:10, classes start in twenty minutes.

- Wait here! I won't let you eat my breakfast!
He quickly ran to the closet and grabbed a white shirt, suit pants, and a belt. He changed clothes on the run and went downstairs where he saw his father serving himself a portion of pancakes.
- Don't think I'll give you my portion. Leave that plate – he said out of breath. Satoru looked at his son and smiled broadly.
- If you want those pancakes, catch me before I eat them!
- You're kidding me - Hiro ran to his father who was about to eat his portion.
Suddenly, from behind, the father was hit on the head with a spatula. Son stopped and stepped back, looking at his father in surprise.
- You never learn, my dear. This portion is for your son, not for you - said the woman. - Now put down the plate and let the boy eat. He'll need a lot of energy to get to school on his bike.
The woman, slightly shorter than Satoru, is Hiro's mother. Her name is Akari. She is a paediatrician by profession. She works at a local hospital and runs a private clinic.
- My dear bunny! Your brown, velvety, long hair in a braid that reaches your ample bust and your blue eyes that reflect the beauty of the sky! I can't refuse you. Hiro, take that plate and eat quickly. I'll take you and Ichika to school!
Akari's beauty cannot be denied. She is not only a wonderful mother and wife, but she also devotes herself to the community of Miyagi Island. Every week she attends meetings of the city council, helps with work at the temple, while also being the chairman of the Okinawa Regional Paediatricians Association.
- Oh, how sweet of you, Satoru - Akari kissed her husband on the cheek. - I also have to go. The city council is meeting today and I have a shift at the hospital. I will probably have to cancel our date this week.
- My sunshine, I'm sure others will understand. After all, you are sacrificing yourself to save human lives. They must understand that passing the budget for sidewalk repairs can wait.
- You're too sweet - Akari smiled at Satoru. - I saw Ichika. She looked like she was crying. I also heard her scream. Maybe I should talk to her?
- Don't worry - husband replied. - Hiro is taking care of it. Everything is under control... Jasna cholera! (Holy shit!) I have to tell her I'll take her by car - he looked at his son and then ran towards the hallway. He stopped for a moment and turned around. - Oh, I almost forgot. I love you! Remember about dinner! - Satoru turned to the hallway and rushed towards Hiro's sister with the speed of light.

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