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Back to Izuku POV

We're Wednesday today, and I'm going out with Uraraka, Todoroki and Tsu. I've been avoiding Kacchan ever since Saturday, he texted me, called me and knocked on my door so many times but I ignored him. I would still give those remarks or confront it and I know it's wrong but I was still counting points. And I was winning.. 24-19
He was more irritated than usual only Kirishima could approach him without getting blown up.

"Izuku-kun! The others are coming with us at the mall is that okay?" Uraraka asks appearing next to me making me jump.
"Of course! I don't mind!" I smile at her. I didn't take the time to ask who she meant when she said others.
"Great! Let's go then! We're going in Todoroki's car!" She smiles and I nod.

"Todoroki!" I say loudly and getting my friends attention.
"I still owe you that Soba right?" I ask him and he looks at me with a lot of interest.
"Yes?" He says expecting more.
"Okay, I'll buy you some at the mall does that sound good?" I ask him.
"Yes. Midoriya you are no longer sentenced to death penalty." He says making us laugh.
"Wow MidoBro! What did you do to deserve death penalty?" Kirishima asks wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Waste all reserve of soba.." Todoroki says depressed. "But if he chooses wisely the Soba he'll buy me today I might consider mariage." He says joking and I laugh.
"I want a big ring!" I joke and everyone laughs.
"I'll take my fathers credit card and we'll live in a big mansion." He says starting a fake scenario.
"And we'll get an hamster that we'll call Bob!" I joke and we both laugh.
"Wow you two, if you continue like that, I'll start thinking you're dating!" Mina jokes making me smirk mischievously.
"No I'll let that for Momo, it's a question of time!" I say teasing my bi-coloured hair friend as he blushes.
"Omg! seriously!?!?!" Mina squealed and I nod.
"Yes, I am still trying to figure out something to get them together." I say pretending to be preparing a masterminds plan.
"I'm happy to give the love of my life and Bob away, as long as you choose Momo!" I say whipping an imaginary tear.
"Don't worry Midoriya, I'll always consider you as my first love." He says tapping my shoulder.
"Wholesome Bromance-" Kirishima sniffs. Is he crying!? "So manly.." He wipes his tear.
"We should do a play! And at the end the great Shoto Todoroki must kiss the bride Momo Yaoyorozu." I say dramatically before we all laugh at the flustered Todoroki.

"Okay so we're going in two cars?" Uraraka asks and Kirishima and Sho nod.
"Okay so In Todoroki's car: Uraraka, Tsu, MidoBro, Shinso and of course Todo!" Kirishima starts. "And in BakuBro's car: Me, Denks, Sero, Mina and BakuBro!" Kirishima says and we nod. I knew he was there.. I just didn't acknowledge him..
"Isn't Jiro coming?" I ask confused.
"She couldn't today, she has to practice for an upcoming concert!" Kiri explains.
"Okay then!" I smile and I finally give a glance at Kacchan and he was staring at me. We all start to walk outside and I look down sadly and try to suck up my emotions once again.
"Am I still invisible?" Kacchan asks discreetly.
"You aren't invisible. You're hard to ignore." I chuckle sadly and look at him.
"I broke up with him." He says out of the blue.
"What?" I ask confused.
"We both agreed that it was time to stop following our old man's stupid ideas." He explains and I look at him to see if he was lying.
"You know I still don't trust you. Right?" I ask him and he nods sadly.
"I'll believe you this time, only because Yagi showed me a clip of your acting, and you suck by the way!" I tease him and he glares at me.
"Seriously? That's why you believe me?!" He asks offended and I nod proudly.

"So you love me?" I ask teasingly making sure no one else hears.
"Oi! Don't use that against me!" He says back annoyed and I smirk.
"Butttt Kacchan loovvess me!!" I coo and he glares at me again and I grin.
"Yeah I do! You fucking got a problem with that!?" He glares at me and I smile smugly.
"25-19" I grin proudly.
"Ah?!" He says confused.
"What? You thought that because I was mad at you I'd stop counting our points?" I say innocently and he looks at me in shock.
"You sneaky little Bastard!" He says pushing my shoulder.
"I still want to win! You got yourself quite a few points since but I guess I'm still better!" I say proud of myself.
"Okay then. First one to the car wins?" He smirks but he was already gone and I soon follow.
"CHEATER!" I yell catching up to him.
"GUYS WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" One of the others yell but I don't know which one tho..
Next thing I know he was at his car.
"I win!" The other smirks and I give him a middle finger.
"You're still a cheater!" I glare at him and he smirks at me.
"But I still win~" He winks and I glare at him.
"Fine! 25-20" I sigh loudly letting him this point.
"You two are worst than children!" Uraraka whines, her and the others had finally caught up.
"But he cheated!" I whine and they all laugh.
"So. Everyone's ready?" Mina asks cheerfully and we all confirm.

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