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Short chapter... Sad chapter

Katsuki POV

We were at the table at Deku's house, my old men couldn't join today but that's okay I guess.

"So Katsuki how's school?" Auntie Inko asks.
"Oh... It's good, I'm best in my year at the moment.." I explain and she smiles.
"Well isn't it wonderful! And how about friends? Any lover?" His mom asks.
"Katsuki actually managed to get himself a boyfriend! He lives quite far away but we're so happy for him!" The hag says and I freeze, I forgot that it could be said.. I look at Deku and he tensed up. He was playing with his food with a sad smile.
"So who's the unlucky victim?" Deku says playfully but I could hear the betrayal in his voice.
"Don't say it like that Izuku! Anyone who gets to be with Katsuki must be very lucky!" His mom defends me but Deku just nods angrily but still hiding it.
"Oh no Inko he is right! I don't get why that boy is still with my brat! He's such a good artist he specializes in architecture! It's my father who set them up. His name is Touya Todoroki!" She explains and my grave was being dug.
"Oh, isn't he the brother of Sho?" Deku asks looking at me with a smile but his voice was full of venom.
"Yeah.." I mumble ashamed.
"And what about you Izuku? Anyone special in your life?" My hag asks and Izu shakes his head.
"Well, there was this one person I liked, but it turned out they didn't return my feelings.." He explains with a smile that I could see was forced.
"Oh no! My baby! Why didn't you tell me?" His mom asks him and he chuckles.
"Don't worry about it! I talked about it to Yagi, it was enough for me!" He reassures her. I look at his uncle that was glaring at me.
"I hope you find someone that can return these feelings!" The hag says and he nods in agreement.

I do return these feelings! Don't go look for someone else.. Please..

"Anyways Izuku! What type of art do you specialize in?" The hag asks him.
"Oh I do street art!" He smiles at her. He was doing everything to avoid looking at me, while I couldn't look away from him.
"Oh really!!" The hag says happily.
"He does he's really good at it too! You know the new mural in the parc not to far?" Auntie smiles.
"Of course! It's gorgeous!" The hag answers.
"Izuku's the one who did it!" Auntie brags about her son.
"Oh really! I was wondering who did it!" The hag smiles. "Why didn't you sign it?" She continues.
"Because I think it hides the piece so I just let a fingerprint on one of the lines. It's not much but at least, I know I'm the one who did it." He explains with a smile.
"He is actually one of the teachers favourite at the moment, he is the first actual competition young Bakugo has had in a while!" Mr. Toshinori explains proudly.
"Hey.. I'm sorry I'm not feeling good, is it okay if I go rest?" Deku asks sadly.
"Of course! We'll come say goodbye before leaving!" The hag explains and he nods with a sad smile.
"Thank you.." He bows before leaving quickly.
"Toshi, do you know why he's been acting weird? He's was doing so well before!" Inko asks her brother worried.
"I'll go check on him but, he isn't totally over this person he was talking about, it must have brought up some unwanted feelings." He explains and she nods but before he leaves he gives me a disappointed look.

I was left alone with the questioning of our two parents but I was thinking of Deku all along.
The thing being I am technically speaking dating someone but I saw him maybe twice and we're both in it because of my grandpa and his father. We really don't get along well but, as long as I dated him, my grandfather would pay for my studies.. I really did like being with Deku. I completely forgot about that other guy. It was purely for the show, we didn't even talk to each other. So this 'boyfriend' isn't a real one but Deku doesn't know that. He thinks that me and that other guy are a thing. That he was a side or... I don't know what he thinks to be honest.

"We're gonna head out, Brat please say goodbye for me to baby Izuku!" The Hag says and I nod and slowly get upstairs. Toshinori never came back down. But the more I got closer to his door the more I heard his cries.
I knock on the door.
"Come in." A firm voice says from the other side of the door.
I take a deep breath before opening the door to see Deku glaring at me.
"I'll leave you two be Izuku call me if you need and young Bakugo, we need to talk after this." Toshinori says firmly and he gives a smal smile to Deku before leaving the room.

"Are you happy now. For winning?" He asks hurt once the door was closed.
"No." I say without hesitation.
"Then why? Why did you actually lead me to think we were a thing? It was one sided all along. When we kissed did you think of him? Was I just really for your teenage hormones to come out? Was any of it real? Or were you simply working on making me hate myself? Because it worked it fucking worked." He sobs and I just wanted to hug him. To go back in time...
"It was all real. I don't like that other bastard. When I kissed you, I thought of you and only you. It's been forever since that other bastard even came to mind." I say loud but not loud enough for the whole household to hear.
"Let me guess. You tell him the same thing?" He says mockingly.
"No! I could call him right now and he'll tell the same freaking thing! We're only in it because my grandfather pays for my studies! I don't remember why he does it, but that's the only reason I 'date' him!" I say desperate for him to believe me.
"Listen Bakugo, I'm sure you can find yourself an other toy, but I'm not buying anything your saying right now. I don't want to be played with, it's not something I do." He explains annoyed and I feel a knife go across my chest.
"NO! I don't want any toys! I want someone I like! I want you, only you! I'll break up with the other bastard and I'll find an other way to pay for school! But don't leave me.." I beg him I feel a tear falling on my cheek.
He looks at me silent, unsure, before he smiles sadly.
"I actually thought you meant it for a second.. You're a good actor you know?" He chuckles betrayed.
"I'm not acting!" I say desperate.
"How could I know that? How could I know you aren't saying it because you want to win again?" He asks angry.
"You can't! I just need you to trust me! I love you!" I say more desperate that I've ever been.
"That's too bad.. Any trust you had is gone, and you know what? I hate you. I fucking hate you Katsuki Bakugo." He says full of venom and my heart drops.
"Please Izuku.. Listen to-" He cuts me.
"Leave." He says firmly.
"No.." I say broken.
"Leave or I'll tell everything to your mom!" He says angrily.
"I don't care. Tell her. I'm not leaving." I cry.
"Please, Kacchan.. Leave.. I just need to think.." He says under his breath. I take a step forward and he just looks at me unsure.
"I mean it when I say I love you.." I whisper kissing his forehead and I leave silently the room whipping the tears that fell.
"You meant it?" I look up to see Toshinori.
"I don't expect you to believe me.. But yeah.." I mumble.
"I know for a fact that you suck at acting." He chuckles. "Fix your shit up. I know Izuku won't want to be with you if you're with someone else. Choose. I'll try to talk to him.." He says.
"Thanks.. And I'll take care of it, I'll find an other way to pay for school if it's for Deku.." I mumble before leaving.

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