Something Supernatural (2)

Start from the beginning

Issei paled. This was literally the worst possible scenario. Not only had things actually gone wrong - and in a very dangerous way, but his only possible life line in this situation wasn't going to come.

What could he possibly do in this kind of situation? How could he live?

His body still wouldn't move.

It was like 'Yuuma' had some sort of terror inducing aura around her. Instead of the woman before him, he only saw a monster.

"...W-why?" He croaked out. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Her face scrunched up when he spoke. God, she hated the sound of his stupid voice.

"Why?" 'Yuuma' repeated, pushing herself off of her seat and standing up. "Why? You really want to know why?"

Scoffing, she answered. "Because, unlikely for you, you little shitstain, you were born with a sacred gear."


"Because of that thing, you've been deemed as a potential threat." She said, looking down at him. "So my orders are to kill you."

"But you know how annoying it was to get to this point?"

Snarling, 'Yuuma' began to recount her frustrations. "Because of all those fucking devils crawling around this damn town, I had to be 'secretive' about this. You know, if it were up to me, I would have just broken into your house and gutted you like a fish."

Issei felt his stomach sink at the thought of someone so carelessly speaking of ending his life.

"But no! I had to make sure nobody would interfere! So I needed plan to to lure you into an isolated area and kill you. So I thought, if I have to work so hard, might as well have a little fun too, right?"

"Wrong! Fucking wrong!" She said, suddenly standing in front of Issei.

"Do you know how fucking boring you are!?"

"I was looking forward to seeing your look of despair as you found out all of this was a sham to end your life. But by the end of the day, I was just thankful it was all over!"

Issei was being pummeled by insult after insult.

But... while she was busy ranting, she hadn't made any moves to actually kill him.

So at least he was stalling for time?


Suk-chin raised his arms as Dohnaseek threw a punch at him.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a the tip of a spear rapidly approaching him.

He leaned his head back, avoiding it.

But there was already another spear hurdling towards him.

Suk-chin dropped underneath it. And yet, there was still another spear being launched at him.

He tilted his head, barely avoiding it. As soon as he did, he was swarmed by all three fallen angels.

Suk-chin had a surprised expression on his face.

All at once, all three of Dohnaseek, Kalawarner and Mittelt felt a heavy impact strike them in the face, knocking them away.

As they sowly struggling to their feet, Suk-chin stared at them.

They're pretty weak...

But their timing is on point.

Suk-chin shot forward, and kicked Dohnaseek in the head. As he was sent rocketing back, the two other fallen angels sprung forward.

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