Even when they got into the car, Wang Yibo didn't come out to see them off.

"Fuck!" Xiao Zhan couldn't keep from cursing.

From the driver's seat, He Yan cautiously took a chance to ask, "What's the matter with you two?"

Xiao Zhan replied, "Ge, does he not like me anymore?"

Only then did He Yan see that his eyes were a little red.

"How could that be possible, eh? He's liked you for so many years, since when has it ever been so easy to change your feelings?"

"Maybe he previously had an image of me that was too beautiful before, but now that he's learned I'm not that good, he was disappointed. Doesn't everyone say the best thing is what you can never get?"

"You're obviously very good......"

"I know what kind of person I am, I have a bad temper, I'm impatient, and I don't look like an omega. To be honest, before he appeared, I'd already given up all hope of finding someone I liked. Even if I thought of someone, they wouldn't look upon me. Wang Yibo originally liked me because I encouraged him. In fact, he only liked the me that he imagined, not the real me. "

The more Xiao Zhan spoke, the more he began to believe it and discomfort continuously bubbled up, unstoppable, "He's good to me and I want to be good to him, but I'm not as gentle and considerate as he is, so how can I ever learn to catch up with him? He definitely sensed that in the end, that I'm simply not his ideal type at all, and that's why he doesn't like me anymore. "

He Yan cut in, "Wait, wait, why do you think that he doesn't like you anymore?"

"Recently, he hasn't been very happy when we're together." Xiao Zhan thought it over. "Basically, there have been many unusual actions."

Of course, the two main examples were the coercion and lying, but it was inconvenient to say those aloud. Wang Yibo previously would've never done such things before.

He Yan tried to calm him, "Think it over again. Don't you see that he still marked you......"

He didn't need to mention it, Xiao Zhan remembered well, even that mark was something he'd had to force Wang Yibo to do.

Perhaps Wang Yibo hadn't wanted to mark him at all and it wasn't just because he was being timid, as he'd thought at the time.

Xiao Zhan suddenly closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat, covering his eyes with his hands.

"Ge, drive. No matter what, I want to give him that thing."

The whole journey was silent and stifling. Xiao Zhan didn't speak and He Yan didn't dare to open his mouth, for fear of saying the wrong thing again. When they finished picking the item up, Xiao Zhan 's mood had finally calmed down a bit. He followed along with He Yan to the newly rented house to help tidy it up. He Yan kept him there for lunch, because he didn't think he could manage his mood to confront Wang Yibo while eating. After lunch, he took a short nap in He Yan's house.

In his short dream, Wang Yibo 's face was all he saw.

The air conditioning temperature seemed to be too high in the room, so he felt stuffy and hot. Half-asleep, he felt around for the AC remote control and turned the temperature down several degrees. He was so hot he even wanted to turn on the cooling mode in the winter. He finally was awoken by the heat, rubbing his eyes and getting up.

He reached out to check his phone. The first thing he saw was the time, it was 3pm. The second thing was the seven missed calls and countless message notifications displayed on the screen.

All from Wang Yibo .

His phone had been on silent and he'd even turned the vibration off before going to bed, so he simply hadn't been notified.

Xiao Zhan first opened the texts.

[Xuezhang, I was wrong, I shouldn't lie. I'm sorry, will you come back?]

[Are you at my Ge's house? Can I come see you? Tell me the address.]

[I don't want to let you go. Come back, please, Xuezhang......]

[You can punish me however you want. Sorry. I'm sorry. Please come back, come back to me, okay?]


Xiao Zhan slid his finger on the screen, reading them one by one. Basically, Wang Yibo had been begging for him to go back. The more he read, the more he sensed that something was wrong. Why did this tone seem like he was about to abandon him?

Xiao Zhan obviously was the one who should be worried about being abandoned.

The air conditioner really seemed to be broken. It felt like the temperature hadn't fallen, but risen instead. Xiao Zhan pulled at his collar. Restraining his temper, he read all the way to the second-to-last message:

[Xuezhang, are you looking at your phone? If you really don't care about me, please just tell me, otherwise I......will believe that I still have a chance.]

The last message showed that it was sent half an hour ago, just a few words:

[You really don't want me?]

Why was it such a huge mess? Why was he still feeling wronged?

Xiao Zhan felt like he had a fire burning in his chest, hot and lively. He got up, pushed open the door, and rushed out.

He Yan, who was watching TV in the living room just then, was startled, "What's wrong?"

"I'm heading back first, Ge." Xiao Zhan quickly put on his coat.

"What's so urgent? Wait a minute, I'll take you back. Just so happens I forgot something at A-Yibo 's house."

Xiao Zhan figured it would be faster to go by car than to take the bus, so he said, "Then I'll be troubling you."

He Yan turned off the TV and grabbed his coat, "It's fine. Oh, yeah, A-Yibo called earlier, asking for my address, I thought he was going to come over, but it's been a while and he never came."

Xiao Zhan 's reaction was sluggish. "What else did he say?"

"Nothing much, he just asked if you were here. I said you were a little tired and were resting in the other room, possibly messing around on your phone. He was silent for a long time and then suddenly hung up. I couldn't make heads or tails of it."

Xiao Zhan furrowed his brows. It felt like he'd realized something, but he wasn't completely sure. There wasn't any time for him to think about it now. Nevertheless, he had to go back and question the silly dog in person to clear things up.

He Yan drove his car very steadily even though the slippery, wet road was nasty under these circumstances. In just half an hour, he reached Wang Yibo 's house. Xiao Zhan had a spare key, so he got out of the car, going to open the door. But, when his foot touched the wet ground, it was as if he stepped on cotton and he unexpectedly stumbled from the empty soft feeling.

He was so anxious before that he didn't notice, but now he realized that the rushing heat flowing within his body was like the heated breath of a wild animal, gathered silently in his blood, waiting for the critical moment to bubble out and appear.

This time, even though his thoughts were sluggish, he realized that his heat had finally arrived, right in the middle of these horrible circumstances.

Short Story of XiaoWangWhere stories live. Discover now