chapter 17 : present

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Author's pov
Since Phil traveled back in time he disappeared in the present . The news spread faster than the wind of Phil's disappearance no one knew where he went , there were no traces nor evidence of where he went . Spain went missing as well . At first all of them were worried for Spain being nowhere to be found for 3 months but as time goes by Spain keeps going back countless times and people start to think that Spain just needed to clear himself , clear his stress , to clear his mind and go to some far away place ,  away from this time . America and some countries knew where he goes when he needed to go , they just knew the answer but whenever someone asks them 'where's Spain ' or 'do you know where Spain went ?' they would instead respond with 'i don't know' they knew that Spain still needed this , he needed to heal the scars and feels like all countries have matching wounds but some are still bleeding and some are starting to heal . But that's the thing about scars they heal but they leave a mark to remember no matter how you want to forget how you got it.

Singapore's pov
Phil disappeared a week ago . He's still missing and the police doesn't have a single lead to begin with . I ran outside the rain and as I reached the car I opened the door and went inside before shutting the door. I buckled the seat belts and plugged my keys in the car , I can't be late for the south east Asian meeting . ASEAN won't be there he was busy with the police. He didn't sleep or even ate . He even refused to sleep , he was desperate for Phil to come home . Ever since Phil went missing we didn't leave Britain we stayed here .

I stopped the car as I reached a traffic light which a bright red light was being shown . My phone then vibrated I grabbed my phone real quick seeing a message from Indo 'where are you ? We are all waiting for you' he messaged

' I'm on my way' I texted back before hearing a strong Hocking noise behind me "Get out the way man !!" A male voice shouted behind me . I then started to drive .

The car behind me passed by me , giving the driver a chance to get a glimpse of me and as he saw me his color drained from his face seeing that I was a nation , he rolled his window back up fully closing it out of shame . I wanted to say a come back but I didn't because as much I wanted to say something my actions reflect on my country. I don't want to be on the tv dealing with drama and how strong social media is nowadays.

Me and the other nations agreed to have coffee in a cafe . It is rather simple but it will do . Indo rented the cafe and all we needed to do is discuss some important things and we all have paperwork that needs to be submitted to each other. Drops of rain flew on my glasses and I decided to close the window beside me because I don't want arriving to a meeting soaked like I've been thrown in the wet rain

~time skip~

Moments later I've arrived, I could see my coligues sitting inside due to the glass door and wall that also shealded them from the rain. I grabbed my stuff and grabbed my car keys locking the car and there where 12 bodyguards outside the cafe guarding us from people. People who want us dead .  Some people wants us died for I don't know reason but you have to accept that sometimes people doesn't like you and not all people has to like you , a flashback appeared through my mind it was a flashback of me surviving a assassination

I was almost hit by a bullet on the back but one of my trusted and loyal body guard shealded me from it . It wasn't pleasant because he died 4 years ago his wife also died from cancer before him and as for his kids they were now and still an orphan but I put them in school and paid for it because it was at least I could do for the service of their father , as of  now they are with foster parents who take care of them .

I never knew my real parents . I didn't want to meet the either but at the same time I wanted to. All nations where born with parents of their own , some could remember where they came from and who their parents where but to some it's like they where born from out of nowhere and they where just given a position.

"Aren't you going inside sir ?" One of the body guard said as I realized I was under an umbrella just standing like my feet was glued to the ground like cement "yeah , yeah of course" I muttered awkwardly I opened the door and walked inside and all South East Asian nations where all seated well except Phil , we where used to it Phil being absent in meetings , not able to talk for at least 1 hour or even half

I sat down between Thailand and Indo and our meeting started to go nicely. Half way through the meeting it didn't felt like it because one ASEAN wasn't here and second Phil disappeared.  "Can we do this some other time ?" The tiredness of Thailand's voice showed . I was about to say no considering that we have a lot of tasks to accomplish but the majority wanted to do it tomorrow and so we all agreed and we instead of doing some work we focused on ourselves we talked about life like 'how's life' going for all of us and we also played little truth or dare ... I know we are nations and we are supposed to be matured and all but it's like we grew up so fast that we didn't got a chance to do some stuff that a normal teenager does .

Aside from playing truth or dare me and Thailand decided to play chess . We were lucky that there was a chess board carried by my body guard who was late . In fact that I always had a chess game with me and not trying to be prideful but I was good at it . Some there playing cards while the others played truth or dare and rounds and rounds of chess went by I won all of them while Thai was annoyed "how do you always win ?!" He raised his left eyebrow and banged his fist lightly on the table only creating a cute thud "what can I say ... The God of chess said that I was the chosen one" I smirked playfully.

Soon Thai changed his expression. "I wonder what happened to him" he spoke as I identified who he was referring to "I don't know and I heard Spain again disappeared" I said "you know there is a rumor on the internet that he and Spain ran away together" viet who was beside us playing cards with Malaysia said "that's ridiculous , Phil would've killed him by now" Malaysia says "now stop eves dropping"  Malay rolled his eyes and carried on the game "I wasn't eves dropping" he defended.

Hours passed and we decided to go back the hotel. Because ASEAN refused us to go home because of well Phil . To be honest though I also missed him even if we had small talks and I would and the others would also admire his presence because we rarely see him .

(To be continued and yes I would be posting short chapters for a while )

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