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"They found him

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"They found him."

I whipped my head around to confirm that my ear holes were working right.

"What? Really?!"

"Yeah, last night they found where he was hiding out and it was disgusting. I'll spare you the details, but needless to say he can't bother us anymore. They shot him dead."

"Damn really?"

"Yeah, they said he pulled a weapon on them and tried to attack so they shot him."

"Thank god. That means I can finally go back home!"

"Wooooooooowwwwww. You don't like it over here with me?" He pouted.

"My house is just better, sorry." I shrugged.

"Ain't no way. My house is better, I have uno! Guess who doesn't own a single card from uno." He coughed, pointing to me.

I scoffed playfully.

"At least I got other games besides uno. Uno is boring anyways."

"AY! Don't bash uno like that!"

"My bad." I shrugged.

"Actually! I do have uno at my house. Bts uno. So it's automatically way better than yours, stay mad."

His mouth was left agape.

"I said what I said." I shrugged.

"Anyways. I'm bored so I might head back to my house for a change."

"WHATT? You wanna leave me already?" He pouted.

"Yep it's boring here and I need a break from your face so bye!" I walked up the stairs to get my stuff.

"Rude!" He laughed, following me.

I gathered my things and walked back downstairs.

"I'll see you tonight. I haven't watched the stars in a while. I'm excited to watch them again!"

"I'll miss you." He pouted.

"You'll see me in like a couple hours. And stop pouting you're making me cringe." I rolled my eyes while laughing.

"You're so rude Star."

He kissed me before I walked out.

"See you tonight." He waved.

I waved back before starting my not so long walk towards my home. I was happy to finally be able to relax at my own house alone without fearing that a murderer would be lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill me. Yup, more than excited. I unlocked the door to my house and was greeted with silence and darkness. Ah, how I missed my house so much. I put my stuff down and locked the door behind me just in case. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to my room, noticing the small pool of dried blood that Gaon couldn't bother cleaning. Thanks Gaon, it probably stained my floors. I grabbed the strongest cleaner I could find and a rag. I tried my best to scrub off the blood stain the best I could. By the end it wasn't completely off, but it wasn't noticeable. Good enough for me.

✧ ˚  ·    .

The sun had set and the world was finally engulfed in darkness. I sat in the grassy fields where I would normally observe the stars. It felt so comforting to be back outside looking at the constellations.

"I've missed you so much Star!"

The comforting silence was ruined when Gaon decided to show up.

"You saw me like a couple hours ago."


"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong star you seem irrated?"

"Nothing. I'm all good." I smiled.

He sat next to me and we observed the stars together not talking much about anything. As time flew by I could feel myself getting more and more tired.

"I think I'm gonna head back home. I'm super tired." I turned to Gaon.

"I'll walk you?"

I nodded, smiling.

We began our short journey to my house. Once we arrived at the door I turned around and hugged Gaon.

"Sorry if I seemed irritated. I wasn't. I love you Gaon."

"I love you too star."

I broke the hug before unlocking my door.


"Goodnight star girl! I still need that name from you soon!"

I laughed as he walked away.

I closed my door and darted up the stairs to my room. I collapsed in my bed and slept almost instantly. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I was tired.

・ 。゚☆: *.Star girl .* :☆゚.Where stories live. Discover now