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  GAON  and I were looking at the stars per usual

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GAON and I were looking at the stars per usual. This night was no different from previous nights before our 'misunderstanding'. This night, although, wasn't as talkative as previous. Instead, it was filled with a comfortable silence.

"Star girl?" He broke the silence.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"Would you like to come to the fair with me tomorrow?"

I looked at him.


"Yeah there's a fair around this time every year. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"Sure I would love to." I responded.

I was a little excited since I'd never been to the fair before. I'd either not had time or had certain things preventing me from going.

"I've never been to the fair before actually."

"WHAT? Really?" He looked at me shocked.

"Yeah. Ive Never gotten around to it."

"Well don't worry! I'll make sure you'll enjoy every second!" He smiled.

I laughed at his childish behavior.


I stopped at his house, wishing him a goodnight.

"Goodnight star girl! Cant wait to see you tomorrow!"

"Goodnight Gaon!" I smiled.

I began walking back to my home.

Almost out of no where I feel a drop of water fall on my head. That one drop started a chain reaction, and before I knew it it was pouring. It soaked my hair and clothes almost instantly.

Gaon must've taken notice on the weather change, since he quickly ran outside with an umbrella to help me.

"Here star girl. You can use it to get back home or you can stay at my house until the rain dies down" he smiled.

As much as I wanted lay down in my comfy bed and drift to sleep, I just didn't feel like walking all the way back.

"I'll stay. It's too far to walk in this weather anyways."

He smiled and lead me inside.

I put the umbrella down at the entrance and looked around.

I didn't get to see too much of his house last time I was here since I was in such a rush to leave. The most I saw was his bedroom.

"I have some clothes you can wear." He said walking up the stairs, me close behind.

"Here." He turned around.

He gave me a plain white t-shirt and some sweatpants.

He lead me to the bathroom, me locking the door behind him as he left to let me change.

The clothes were a little baggy but not to the point where they were falling off every 5 seconds.

I stepped out of the bathroom and he smiled.

"Ah! Your so cute in my clothes!" He gushed pulling my arm.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah right. These clothes are too big anyways-" I stopped remembering something.

"What?" He asked, clearly confused.

"What am I gonna wear tomorrow for the fair?"

"Oh we can either go the day after tomorrow or we can just walk to your house and pick up some clothes for you to wear."


(Writers block)

We sat on the couch in his living room, watching a horror movie. I loved horror movies, Gaon on the other hand I'm not so sure. He jumped at every jumpscare and even tried to cling onto me at one point.

Of course I pried him off me real quick, but I still found it hilarious. I guess I didn't really take him as the type to be scared of horror movies.

Well actually. I guess I did.

The night didn't last very long.

I got bored halfway through the movie and just decided to get some sleep for tomorrow.

The last thing I saw before I drifted to sleep was Gaon's terrified expression.

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