Chapter 16-Sweet Secret Revealed

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A/n:Hey guys!Just this chapter then another chapter and we are through!*wipes off sweat from face*I'm gonna miss writing this story.*sniffle*Welp,enjoy guys!^-^


"Are you nervous?"

Sonic blinked and looked over at Amy.

"Phst nervous?No..."he answered.

Amy smiled and put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"They're our friends.I'm pretty sure they'll be perfectly fine,"she said reassuringly.

Sonic glanced at her and sighed before hugging her unexpectedly.She wrapped her arms around him and smiled.

"Now don't be a baby Sonic,"she teased.

He hugged her tighter,"I am not!I just...need a hug."

Amy rolled her eyes,"Sure Sonic."

Sonic pulled back and looked at her,running a hand over her face slowly.Amy held his hand and smiled.

"Come on,you can do this,"she encouraged.

Sonic inhaled,then nodded.He took her hand and intertwined their fingers together,placing a kiss on it as well.Then rubbing a thumb over it,he looked up at her.

"Alright,let's go,"Sonic said softly.

Amy smiled eagerly as she led the way.She quickly went to each hut,dragging Sonic behind.Knocking on each on,she called for them to get outside.Tails and Sticks came first,rubbing their eyes sleepily.It was pretty early.Soon after,Knuckles and Rouge emerged from the same hut.Sonic and Amy stood,holding hands,in front of the others.

Tails glanced down at their hands,Sticks crossed her arms and nodded,Rouge was smiling wildly,and Knuckles was off looking somewhere else.Amy leaned against Sonic and smiled at the others.She inhaled and squeezed Sonic's hand gently.

"Guy.Sonic and I want to tell you something.Something important,"Amy announced.

Everyone nodded,as if telling her to go on.Amy looked at Sonic and make a nod toward the others.He gulped and looked at them before opening his mouth.

"Amy and I...are dating heh,"he said slowly.

Amy nodded eagerly as the others smiled and beamed.Rouge went over to Amy and hugged her tightly,

"Congrats Pinkie,"she smiled and looked over at Sonic,"You too big blue."

He grinned,"Thanks."

Rouge stepped back and Knuckles stepped forward.He have Sonic a big pat on the back and laughed.

"Way to go Sonic!"

Tails and Sticks then came up.Tails gave him a thumbs up and Sticks crossed her arms.

"I knew it,"she said with eyes closed.

They all rolled their eyes as Tails nudged Sticks with his elbow.

"Ow,you did too,"Sticks grumbled.

Sonic looked at Tails questionably,but Tails shook his head as in saying,'never mind.'

"You two will be so happy together,"Rouge cooed

Amy smiled and looked at Sonic.

"I think so too,"she said happily.

Sonic wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.He pecked her cheek and let her lean against him.The others smiled,happy for their friends.Even if they knew this would happen.


Rouge exited her hut,holding two suitcases.The others were waiting by the shore.She flew over to them,landing just where the water met the land.Rouge turned to them and sighed.

"I think coming here made me a better person,"she cringed.

The others laughed.

"But,"she set her suitcases down,"I did enjoy my vacation...even after everything that happened...losing Shadow hurt me.Especially everything that we've been through at G.U.N. You know,we dated but that was before we got here.And even though he was my ex and tried to hurt Amy,I couldn't help but miss him...."

Sonic wrapped an arm around Amy and held her closely.Knuckles crossed his arms while Sticks and Tails waited for her to continue.

"He's gone now...but I'll move on,and I think I already have,"she glanced at Knuckles,"Anyway,I won't lie,I will miss him a lot.But I'll be ok."

They nodded.Rouge ran a hand through her hair and sighed.She smiled.

"Well,I hope you all take care and I'll come visit soon.I think I might even quit G.U.N...but I'm still thinking about it,"Rouge said.

Amy and Sticks hugged her goodbye while Sonic and Tails patted her back and said goodbye.After they exchanged goodbyes,Rouge turned to Knuckles.He grinned as she jumped and hugged him.He carried her for a second before putting her down gently.However his arms were still around her.

"Goodbye Knuckles,"she smiled.

The echidna leaned down and kissed her passionately.The others almost fell over,gawking at the sight.Amy was shocked at first,but smiled.Sonic scratched his ears in confusion while Sticks arched her eyebrows.Tails just stood there with wide eyes.Knuckles and Rouge started to make out now,kissing a little too deep.Tails finally fell over while Sonic chuckled.

"Remember Knuckles,we have kids around,"he laughed.

Tails narrowed his eyes at Sonic,but did not look back at Rouge and Knuckles.Finally Rouge separated from him and panted.He did the same and gave her one last hug.

"Bye babe,"he whispered.

Rouge picked up her suitcases and smiled slyly,"Bye Knuckie."

She flew up and waved at everyone,winking at Knuckles.Rouge then flied off,soon disappearing from sight.Knuckles grinned at the sky and didn't notice everyone staring at him.He kept a straight face before looking at the others.They were staring with wide eyes,still shocked at the scene they saw moments before.


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